Vale R63123 Herman Gerard Munnink – Navy

I am saddened to report that Herman (Big Bear) Munnink ex-navy passed away on 13 March aged 76 years.

Herman was a very active member of the National Vietnam Veterans Museum sub-branch on Phillip Island, Vic. and even though he had been ill for some time he still kept his interest in the Museum news.

He will be sorely missed.

Herman Munninks Funeral will be held on Tuesday 21 March at 1145  in the  Federation Chapel at Lilydale Memorial Park. Followed by a Private Cremation

Lest WE Forget


Bill Noble




HMAS Derwent 26 May 1966 13 Jun 1966
HMAS Sydney 21 May 1968 13 Jun 1968
HMAS Sydney 13 Nov 1968 28 Nov 1968
HMAS Sydney 08 Feb 1969 25 Feb 1969
HMAS Sydney 08 May 1969 30 May 1969
HMAS Sydney 17 Nov 1969 05 Dec 1969
HMAS Sydney 16 Feb 1970 05 Mar 1970
HMAS Derwent 26 May 1966 13 Jun 1966
HMAS Sydney 21 May 1968 13 Jun 1968
HMAS Sydney 13 Nov 1968 28 Nov 1968
HMAS Sydney 08 Feb 1969 25 Feb 1969
HMAS Sydney 08 May 1969 30 May 1969
HMAS Sydney 17 Nov 1969 05 Dec 1969
HMAS Sydney 16 Feb 1970 05 Mar 1970

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