Request from a Nasho to Nashos WA Group.

My name is Brien Stent service number 5714201, I was in the February 1966 Intake to Puckapunyal … then to 2 RAR, I have no photos, rightly or wrongly, I burnt them years ago.

My younger brother 5716371 PHILLIP DESMOND STENT also did National Service … Pucka (1968 I think) … then Armoured Corps APC driver with B Squadron 3 Cav Regt … he was severely wounded in Long Hais on the 18 Feb, 1970 … Phillip passed away 1987.… I have no photos of his time in NS or Vietnam. If any one does have any photos, I would really appreciate copies please. Best wishes.

If you can help with photograph please email Brian Stent, his email is


Bob McGuire

Nashos WA Group

Mobile 0402576086


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