Accelerated Training: ADF Troops Nearing August Graduation at Duntroon

Australian Defence Force (ADF) troops are steadily advancing towards an August graduation under the new condensed officer training program at the Royal Military College – Duntroon. This innovative approach reduces the officer commissioning program from 18 months to 12 months, spanning from January to December 2024. Despite the shorter timeframe, trainees receive the same rigorous training, meet the same graduation standards, and qualify as lieutenants upon course completion.

Commandant of the Land Combat College, Brigadier Jason Groat, noted that ADF trainee officers are currently undertaking their final modules before their August graduation.

“The first group of Staff Cadets to undertake the Foundation Warfighting module has been completed, culminating with an extensive field exercise at Puckapunyal,” he said.

“During this exercise, Staff Cadets integrated with the School of Armour, School of Artillery, and Army School of Transport to better understand the Combined Arms Fighting System. This included conducting attacks with the Mechanised Regimental Officer Course.

“Preparation for this phase began in the classroom, where Staff Cadets developed their understanding and application of tactical actions. They refined these skills at Duntroon before testing them in the field phase. Both the learning and practical phases of Foundation Warfighting enhanced their resilience and demonstrated their ability to thrive in a field environment for extended periods. Conducting stability operations at Puckapunyal, including force-on-force engagements, was extremely beneficial, and I’m encouraged by the cadets’ skills and resilience.

“My direction to the team has been to develop combat behaviours at every opportunity. Initial evaluations support additional time for this development during the Foundation Warfighting module. I Class Staff Cadets are undertaking their final module – Foundation Command – prior to graduating in August. II Class has commenced the Foundation Military Planning Module.”

The Royal Military College – Duntroon began trialling the condensed 12-month program earlier this year, replacing the traditional 18-month format. This initiative aims to educate trainees to the same standards more quickly, increasing the speed to capability for service category (SERCAT) 7 generalist officers and informing training design for other SERCAT and training audiences.

Additionally, the ADF has supported the ServeOn program for already employed military personnel, allowing them to remain connected with the Australian Army and embrace semi-retirement in a flexible role.

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