Heston Russell’s fight against ABC an ‘astonishing case of media treachery’

Heston Russell’s fight against the ABC is indeed an astonishing case of media treachery. The public broadcaster, funded by taxpayers, has a duty to uphold journalistic integrity, but in this case, it seems they’ve grossly misrepresented and defamed a decorated veteran. It’s a betrayal not just of Russell, but of every Australian who expects truth and fairness from their national broadcaster. The ABC should be held accountable and face serious consequences for their actions. This isn’t just about one man’s reputation—it’s about ensuring that no media organization can wield its power irresponsibly and expect to get away with it. The public deserves better, and it’s high time the ABC is punished for betraying the trust placed in them.

CLICK LINK to watch the Sky News presentation

Heston Russell’s fight against ABC an ‘astonishing case of media treachery’ (msn.com)

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