Warrior, Soldier, Brigand by Ben Wadham and James Connor

Warrior, Soldier, Brigand by Ben Wadham and James Connor is the first independent study of institutional abuse within the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Based on interviews with nearly 70 survivors and an analysis of 35 cultural reviews since Vietnam, the book exposes over a century of brutal, systematic abuse in the ADF. This includes bastardisation, sexual violence, and administrative abuse, where victims were often punished for reporting. The authors argue that the ADF’s internal culture fosters violence, misogyny, and elitism, weakening Australia’s defence capability and perpetuating trauma among its members.

CLICK LINK to read the article presented in THE CONVERSATION

‘Survival sex’, ‘mob justice’ and more: the first independent study of abuse in the Australian Defence Force is damning (theconversation.com)

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