Senior Members of the Liberal Party Consider Censure Motion Against Lidia Thorpe Following Outburst at the King

ABC News

The visit of King Charles III to Parliament House, intended as a ceremonial and diplomatic event, took an unexpected turn yesterday when Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe interrupted the occasion with a highly controversial outburst. As the King finished his speech in the Great Hall, Senator Thorpe confronted him, loudly proclaiming her rejection of his sovereignty.

“You are not our king. You are not sovereign. Give us our land back,” she shouted, in a move that has since drawn widespread criticism across the political spectrum.

The incident has sparked significant backlash, particularly from senior members of the Liberal Party. Senator Linda Reynolds expressed her disgust at Thorpe’s actions, calling them “disrespectful” and “deeply inappropriate.” Reynolds suggested that Thorpe’s behaviour did not befit the office she holds, stating, “Being an elected representative comes with a great responsibility to maintain the dignity and respect of the parliament.”

Reynolds also revealed that she would support a formal censure motion against Thorpe when parliament reconvenes in November. A senior Liberal staffer confirmed that two other senators are considering joining Reynolds in pushing for this censure.

Although a censure motion holds no formal power to penalize Thorpe, it would be a strong statement of disapproval from the Senate. For many in the Liberal Party, the incident represents a new low in Thorpe’s confrontational political style, which has consistently courted controversy.

Thorpe, a long-time advocate for Indigenous rights, has made headlines before for her outspoken views on Australia’s colonial history and its institutions. However, this latest outburst — directed at the monarch — is seen by many as crossing a line. Her accusation that King Charles III shares responsibility for what she described as “genocide” shocked many, who found the disruption to be disrespectful not only to the King but to the institution of Parliament itself.

The push for Thorpe’s resignation is now gaining traction among some political figures. Critics argue that her continued presence in the Senate undermines its decorum and brings international embarrassment. While Thorpe has the right to express her views, many believe she overstepped in both tone and venue.

The potential censure motion will be a key test for Thorpe’s political future, as pressure mounts for her to be held accountable for her actions. Whether the motion will garner the necessary support remains to be seen, but the incident has undoubtedly sparked a debate about the limits of protest in public office and the conduct expected from those who represent the Australian people.

As the Senate prepares for its November session, this issue is sure to remain in the spotlight, with growing calls for Lidia Thorpe to face the consequences of her actions — if not through censure, then possibly through wider political pressure to resign.

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  • bob shiels October 22, 2024   Reply →

    For one holding such high office she is an embarrassing disgrace!

  • Ken.T. October 22, 2024   Reply →

    One can only hope that these Senior Members of the Liberal Party get off their arses and do sensor her. She is an embarrassment to everyone in this country. Also, they had Lebanese, and Muslims, from the war zone that Labor brought in, all complaining that King Charles was not their King and that they wanted a Republic. These Creations don’t have Citizenship yet, unless Albo hasn’t told us some thing else.

  • Brian Hurlock October 22, 2024   Reply →

    Why are the Liberal Senators only “considering” taking a censure motion against the rude, arrogant, narcissistic, pretend Aborigine, Senator Idiot (otherwise nameless for me!)? Any Senator worth their salt, from ALL sides of the Senate Chamber, should already be DETERMINED Senator Idiot will be censured!

  • Sandra Fleming October 24, 2024   Reply →

    They should do more than a Censure Motion, that will achieve nothing. Find a way to remove her totally from Parliament, then charge her with treason.

  • John Fisher October 26, 2024   Reply →

    She is a total embarrassment to not only her own “people” but to all Australians. The language she used in that outburst was vile amnd disgusting. She still puts her handout from the Australian people. She should be stripped and banned from any platform where she can voice her vitriolic views. I personally believe that all our politicians do not have any cojons to do anything. They are just covering their own backs. She is a despicable creature who should not be in that position.

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