5714954 Glen MOORE

Sadly I advise that 5714954 Glen MOORE passed away 10th  Mar 2021. Glen had served in SVN with the following Bns –  13-30 Nov 1967 with 2 RAR  then to 7 RAR 1 Dec 67 to 9 Apr 68 and finished with 1 RAR 10 Apr – 2 Jul 1968.  Thus he completed his time with 3 battalions – some feat.

ALAN F DORLING, 1, 2 & 3 RAR KOREA 1953–56

I regret to inform you of the passing and the funeral service of a Korea Veteran and a long member of QLD Korea Veterans Association: Alan F. Dorling, 1RAR, 2RAR and 3 RAR Korea 1953-1956.

Alan had a fall on 5th of March and was going to have a shoulder operation.
On the morning of 8th of March 2021 Alan passed on aged 91.

The Funeral Service for Alan:
11:00 AM Tuesday 16/03/2021
At the Parkview Chapel, Allambie Memorial,
129 Nerang-Broadbeach Road, Nerang QLD 4211


Sadly I inform you of the death of Russell John Grigg, late of Lorne NSW and past member of the Veteranweb Network. Russell passed away in the early hours of Saturday 27 Feb 2021 after a long battle with prostate cancer. He was a National Serviceman who served with 131 Div Loc Battery RACS.

A private funeral is planned to take place on Monday the 8th of March in the Chapel of Mark G. Hammond Funeral Services 59 Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie 2444

6410152 William (Bill) Cedric Sheean

It is with sincere sadness that I advise of the death of 6410152 William Cedric Sheean yesterday, 24/2/2021 at 9:03am. Bill served with C COY 1RAR during the first tour of Vietnam. Bill fought a mighty battle against cancer. He survived to see his uncle Ted Sheean awarded the Victoria Cross.

He will be missed from 1RAR & C COY gatherings, but always remembered.

Funeral Details:

Bill’s funeral will be held on the 5th March at 2:00pm at the Garden Lawn Cemetry  Maryborough Qld

Medals, please.

1732984 Barry Norman Ireland

Barry serviced in Vietnam with 9 RAR. He was in Support Company as a dog handler/ RP and went over on HMAS Sydney. He discharged from the army in April 69 and about 12 months later joined the RAAF as a dog handler and served for 31 years
He left the RAAF in 2002 with the rank of Warrant Officer and he and his wife built a house on a small acreage plot in Ferndale, a small town near (Ipswich on the Brisbane Valley Highway).
Barry had been ill for some time but was stoic till the end.
He was very proud of his service to the Army and RAAF.



Sadly I advise that the former CO 6RAR 1970-72 died at Buderim Private Hospital, Buderim yesterday morning, Thursday, 28th January 2021.

He was 89 years of age and had been in good health until the last and the end was swift and merciful.


1732884 Neil Stuart Luxford

A notice in today’s Townsville Bulletin advises that the funeral service for the late 1732884 Neil Stuart Luxford that was to be held on Friday 8 January has been postponed until further notice due to weather conditions.

Neil served with 3RAR (and Reinforcements) in South Vietnam from 21 May 1968 to 21 November 1968.


Sadly I advise that Jim Wieland passed away on Monday 04 Jan 21 at his home in 1770 after a short illness. Jim served in Vietnam with A COY 6 RAR 1969-70 and AATTV 1971-72.

Jim was 2IC A Coy 1968-1970, including the second tour in Vietnam, although he spent most of the tour as the Liaison Officer working with the Regional Force and Popular Force elements of the South Vietnamese Army throughout Phouc Tuy Province.

His funeral will be held at the Woodgate Hall QLD next Tuesday 12 Jan 2021 at a time yet to be advised. The wake will be at the Woodgate Club after the funeral.

17777 Sgt Roger Anthony Harris – 1RAR


Sadly I advise the passing of Roger Harris. He served two tours of Vietnam with 1RAR on his second tour he was the Mortor Platoon Sergeant at Fire Support Base Coral in 1968.

He passed away in Coffs Harbour on 26th Dec 2020. His funeral will be held Friday 8th at Karangi Cemetry.