I have just received the sad news of the passing of First Tour Vietnam veteran 215262 Pte David Phillip Allgood who passed away Thursday 26th at Ardrossan SA.
Funeral details will be advised once known
I have just received the sad news of the passing of First Tour Vietnam veteran 215262 Pte David Phillip Allgood who passed away Thursday 26th at Ardrossan SA.
Funeral details will be advised once known
Vic Simon – D COY 1ST TOUR
From John Heslewood:
Sorry again to report the passing of another of our members. Vic came to the Company from 1 RAR in June 1966 and was attached to 12 Platoon until he returned home in December 1966. He has been suffering from cancer for some time and passed away on the morning of the 13th March. I managed to have a few words with him in palliative care last week and he asked to be remembered to all his mates in the Company. To his wife Beverly and family I extend our condolences. His funeral will be held on Thursday the 26th March at the Eastern Suburbs Crematorium Botany South Chapel Sydney at 2.00pm followed by the burial at 3pm. I realize we don’t have that many members in the Sydney area but if you can make the effort to attend it would be appreciated by family and friends.
Malcolm Wuttke was promoted to Heaven on 13th March 2020 in Greenslopes hospital. It was 50 years to the week after his battle to survive after gunshot wounds in Vietnam.
For years after Vietnam he didn’t participate in many army gatherings,however he has renewed friendships with mates recently.
Malcolms funeral will be on Friday 20th March at Hope Centre, Cnr Kingston and Queens Rd, Slacks Creek at 10am.
He was a much loved man and will be missed by so many.
Our love always Diane and family.
17 March 2020 in the Epworth Hospital
The funeral is a graveside service:
Location: Rye Cemetery, 22-30 Lyons St, Rye VIC 3941
Time: 11am
Date: Tuesday 24 March 2020
Sadly I have been advised of the passing of (Temporary) Warrant-Officer Class 2, 18510 Thomas (Tom) Upson. Tom served in Vietnam from 1970- 71 WITH 198 Workshop Section.
Funeral details when known.
Sadly I advise that 44354 Ian David Sampson (aka Sambo) formerly 1RAR 6PL B Coy Vietnam 68/69 passed away 10/3/2020 due to an aggressive Glioblastoma brain tumour which was diagnosed in January of this year. Ian was working full time until November of 2019 until symptoms started to arise. He survived four weeks past his initial prognosis of one month.
Ian immigrated to the USA with his wife in 1980, which is where he passed.
The Funeral Service for 44104 Wayne Ross Schmidt, 9RAR 68-69 will be held on Friday 13th March 2020 in the Jamestown RSL, Irvine Street, Jamestown at 1330 hours.
Medals to be worn.
Sad news in the loss of another good mate, digger and friend to so many.
VALE – Edward James “Ted” Walker
Better known to all of us as “Ted”.
Born on the 18th November 1944, in Cloncurry, completing his schooling in Mareeba, Queensland. Ted was the eldest of three children.
Ted joined the Australian Army on the 14th August 1967 to the 13th August 1982 and served again in the Australian Army Reserves from the 2nd August 1983 to the 31st August 1984.
He completed his operational service/deployment in Vietnam from the 18th June 1968 to the 28th Feb 1969, and Singapore/Malaysia from the 25th April 1969 to the 19th June 1971 whilst attached to 1 Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment. Ted attained the rank of Sergeant and was a rifleman, and a store man technical.
Ted was awarded the Aust Active Service Medal 1945-75 with Clasp Vietnam, Vietnam Medal, Defence Force Service, Australian Defence, and Vietnamese Campaign Medals, as well as Infantry Combat Badge, and the Returned from Active Service Badge.
Ted has three children Mark, Kylie and Paul and three step children Maria, John and Robert which he loved dearly and supported all of them, as well as his loving grandchildren. Ted married his loving wife Menetta, on the 7th December 1991, in Kuranda and they lived a happy life in Ravenshoe, as well as being active members of the Ravenshoe RSL and the community.
Ted was a tall, happy go lucky fella, who was a mate, friend and a genuine bloody good bloke to so many. He had many pastimes, laughs and was a strong supporter of the many Vietnam Veterans that were his real buddies. He will be sorely missed and unreplaceable. I know I will sure miss all the jovial laughs and yarns mate. Hope the beer is cold up there mate.
Your duty done. Rest In Peace dear ole mate.
Funeral details – Atherton Crematorium, Atherton, Qld
Friday 13th March 2020.
Sad news on the 7 RAR (Porky Seven) Facebook page of the passing of 235410 Richard Alexander ‘Dick’ ARNEL, born Melbourne 13 September 1947. Dick was on the staff at the Infantry Centre, Ingleburn, during 1968, and served as a Corporal with 7 RAR on their 2nd Tour of Vietnam in 1970-71.
It is with great sadness I wish to inform you of the death of my father, Noel Frederick Slaven. I believe he was a member of your association. My father served in D Coy of 1 RAR in Korea.
His funeral is to be conducted at 2.30 pm on Wednesday 19 February 2020 at Jonathan Hepner Funerals, 199 Ormond Road, East Geelong, Victoria.