VALE: 1736755 COLIN JEFFREY (Tinker) BELL – 4RAR

Colin passed away on Friday the 12th July 2024 at 1000hrs in Brisbane. Rest in Peace Digger, you will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

There will not be a funeral. The family will be holding a celebration of life on the 2nd August at 1300hrs at the Wynnum RSL Club, 174 Tingal Road Wynnum Qld.

Please dress in bright colours as requested by Colin.

Condolences may be sent to:

Mrs Judy Bell

7 Sebastion Street,

Manly West Qld 4179


Wendy M McLean J.P.(Qual) LM

Secretary/Membership Officer

4RAR Association Qld. Inc.’


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One comment

  • Swannie July 17, 2024   Reply →

    Tinker you will be so sadly missed, you and Judy brightened up our day whether in Karumba or Adelaide. We had so much fun, so often. Loved always by Matthew, Jackelyn and Teddy

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