From CO 6 RAR, LTCOL Richard Niessl:

Very sadly, CPL Nik Helle-Broe died on Tue 19 Jul 22. He was a very highly regarded and much loved member of the 6th Battalion. CPL Helle-Broe left behind a partner and young son. 6 RAR with the support of 7 Bde units, DFMS, S&EG and Garrison Units will hold a Military Funeral for CPL Helle-Broe on Fri 29 Jul 22. The funeral will be held at the Australian Army Band Brisbane Music Bowl on the NW side of Duncan Oval.


  • Family and friends viewing will occur in the Army Band music rooms from 1000h.
  • All military members and guests are requested to be in place NB 1145h at the Music Bowl.
  • Following the funeral, a Battalion Honour Guard will be established along Harlock Drive on the northside of Duncan Oval.
  • The Wake will then follow and will be held in the 6 RAR DKVC Club.

The Association President and Secretary will represent the 6 RAR Association at the funeral.   As usual access to the Barracks will be limited and during this sad time for the Battalion, we’d prefer to keep attendance to those who are already approved to enter the Barracks – 6 RAR will be very busy from now until after the funeral and we don’t want to bog them down with having to arrange Barracks access.   I’m sure members will understand my request.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary 6 RAR Association

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