ADF personnel to receive 11.2 per cent pay rise over three years
Starting 9th November 2023, members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) will benefit from an 11.2% salary hike, distributed over a span of three years. This development was made public on 16th October, succeeding the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal’s approval of the latest Workplace Remuneration Arrangement (WRA) on 3rd October.
Breakdown of the pay hike is as follows:
- 4% boost commencing on 9th November 2023.
- 3.8% enhancement in November 2024.
- 3.4% raise to be effective in November 2025.
The WRA acts as a guiding structure for annual salary and associated allowance increments. The current WRA model, spanning 2023-2026, will conclude in November 2026.
General Angus Campbell, the Chief of the Defence Force (CDF), emphasized his dedication towards recognizing the abilities and contributions of members, especially amidst Defence’s transformative phase under the Defence Strategic Review (DSR) recommendations. He asserted, “A pivotal aim of the DSR is fortifying an integrated force that can amplify our combat prowess. Hence, retaining and expanding our workforce is imperative.”
This salary augmentation corresponds with the government’s endeavours to boost ADF recruitment and retention rates. As the ADF plans to enhance its capacity with newer capabilities in the upcoming decade, the DSR’s recommendations spotlighted the need to address the declining recruitment and retention rates. This was underscored by the 2021-22 data where ADF missed its recruitment goals by 900 and experienced an unplanned exit of an additional 900 members, marking a total deficit of 1,800 personnel. The target is to boost the ADF’s personnel by over 40% come 2040.
Earlier in May, the government allocated $400 million for a continuation bonus scheme to motivate experienced ADF members for extended service post their initial Return of Service Obligation (ROSO). This scheme allows ADF members to avail a bonus of $50,000 upon committing to an extra three years following their ROSO term. It’s estimated that by 2027, up to 3,400 members could capitalize on this bonus.
Additionally, a $2 million fund has been reserved by the government to reevaluate the defence housing policy in light of rising interest rates, rental rates, and an insufficiency of apt rental or purchase options.