Australian Defence Force Joins Pacific Partnership 2024 to Strengthen Regional Cooperation

ADF Media

From July to September, Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and civilian personnel are participating in Pacific Partnership 2024, deploying across four countries in the Indo-Pacific region. This initiative, led by the United States, is the largest annual multilateral mission for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) preparedness in the region.

Australian Defence personnel have already contributed to activities in Vanuatu and are set to extend their support to Vietnam, the Philippines, and Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia.

Vice Admiral Justin Jones, Chief of Joint Operations, emphasized the importance of this commitment, stating, “The ADF is proud to support this annual activity, which followed the multinational HADR response to the Banda Aceh tsunami of 2004.”

Around 20 ADF and civilian personnel are involved, providing medical, dental, and engineering support, along with expertise in HADR. An Australian officer is serving as the deputy commander for this year’s mission, and ADF personnel will participate in medical workshops in Southeast Asia and the Federated States of Micronesia.

“Pacific Partnership enhances our cooperation and interoperability with regional partners, improves regional crisis responses, and benefits local communities,” VADM Jones added.

Australian participation in Pacific Partnership 2024 commenced on July 18 in Vanuatu with a humanitarian and disaster relief workshop, supported by the Australian Civil-Military Centre. This year marks the 20th iteration of the Pacific Partnership.

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