Challenges to Australian Patriotism.

In contemporary Australian society, it’s evident that the younger generation, encompassing Millennials and Zoomers, is experiencing a waning sense of patriotism and connection to their nation. This sentiment, mirrored in Western societies at large, manifests in various ways – from economic concerns and housing market struggles to scepticism about the future. This disconnection poses a significant threat to traditional notions of national security and defence, as younger generations seem less inclined to protect a system they feel alienated from.

Older generations, particularly those who came of age in the post-war era, often dismiss these concerns, attributing them to perceived entitlement and a reluctance to put in effort. This intergenerational divide exacerbates the situation, with the expectation that younger individuals should be willing to defend a system in which they have little trust or investment.

A recent study by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) aligns with the notion of a decline in patriotism among younger Australians. Recruitment and retention challenges in various sectors, observed globally, are now more pronounced, impacting force generation and deployed capability.

In the Australian context, economic challenges, declining opportunities, and societal changes contribute to a perception that the system has failed young Australians. Factors such as limited access to housing, economic shifts towards a knowledge-based economy, and concerns about job security further reinforce this sentiment.

The impact of these challenges is reflected in public sentiment. According to Daniel Wild, director of research at IPA, cultural and media influences have fostered a sense of shame among young Australians, making them hesitant to defend their country. The IPA’s report reveals that a significant percentage of young Australians, when faced with the hypothetical need to defend their nation, express a preference to leave rather than stay and fight.

The article suggests that the traditional approach of valuing duty, honour, and country might be more effective than contemporary emphasis on individualism and diversity. The success of certain recruitment programs is highlighted as a testament to this approach.

The underlying theme is a growing disconnection, apathy, and helplessness felt by many Australians, especially the younger generation, amid global uncertainties and socio-economic challenges. This poses a considerable threat to national security, demanding immediate attention and remedial action.

As Australia navigates a rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape, characterized by the rise of powers in the Indo-Pacific region, it is imperative for policymakers and the public alike to adopt a more strategic and forward-thinking approach. The article emphasizes the need for a comprehensive analysis and response to these challenges, urging a collective effort to secure Australia’s role in an era of increasing global competition.


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  • stevow November 27, 2023   Reply →

    If ever this country needed conscription it is now, get some youth off the streets and teach them some values and respect.

    • Kenneth Taylor November 27, 2023   Reply →

      And pray tell, what makes you think that the Armed Forces want the bottom of the barrel undisciplined youth of today in their ranks?

  • Keith November 27, 2023   Reply →

    As long as we have half a million refugees/immigrants coming to Australia every year with their political and religious baggage, not to become new Australians as was the case before this multi cultural bs was implemented we should not be surprised at the disconnect that has occurred. One only has to visit the race based ghettos of our capital cities to witness the disintegration of our once harmonious society, law and order has suffered significantly since the mid 80s with many and particularly the elderly living in fear.
    Young people are being systematically indoctrinated with the new world order and WOKE philosophies so that they are being dumbed down to the point where they no have the ability to reason and explore their own views, how can we expect them to be patriotic and love Australia and its history?

  • Kenneth Taylor November 27, 2023   Reply →

    The only thing that is worth defending is that of value to yourself and others.
    To be of Value it must have been instilled in the younger generation from birth until puberty, by Parents and Family Members, Schools with a lessons and practice of Patrism, from the different levels of Governance and a sound display of Love and Patriotism of the country and way of life by their Heros on the Fields of Competition. Defence of Country and Patriotism is not a value which people are born with. It must be taught and installed by their closes mentors, and reinforced by their valued contacts. The Government have over the past 30 years have dropped the Ball and blamed it on the citizen. They have permitted the break down of living standards and blamed the citizen. It is the citizens fault because of the quality of Leadership that they placed at the top of the tree. The infiltration by the Socialist movement into the Universities and Education system from top to bottom, has destroyed the Nucleus Family Unit. Children are now Government by the Courts and Education System, not the Family. Parents lost control of their own Authority through neglect and their own larsaydefare approach to the Values of Family Life. They allowed the Education System to teach THEIR values to their child without any hindrance and are just now fighting back, to late, when the damage has been done and is enshrined in Legislation.
    When the Younger Generation see and witness the hardships suffered by their families and how the Political System rejected their requests and suggestions, they are more likely to develop a rejection to any ownership to a system which has no respect for the people. So why bother?

  • John Clarkson November 29, 2023   Reply →

    Whilst I agree with ‘Stevow’ in principle, I can also see a huge merit with Kenneth Taylor’s last essay. Yes, I think the country would benefit from a National Service programme, it would take some 10 to 15 years before we would see any improvement in our society. When Gough cancelled the National Service in 1972, the programme was running well. Personally, rather than cancelling the programme, I would have amended the conditions of that programme so that the ballott was cancelled and ALL 20 year old citizens were required to serve in one of the three services for a two year period. They would commence their service either straight after their 20th birthday, OR at a suitable time where he/she was part way through a tertiary or TAFE education programme. As Kenneth has said, the mess we now have is a product of poor government over a period of more than 40 years or so. So, if we wish to rectify this mess, it will take a deliberate action by a very brave government.

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