Criminal Sudanese migrant who ‘identifies as Aboriginal’ allowed to stay in Australia
A Sudanese migrant with a criminal record who “self-identifies” as an Aboriginal man was granted the right to stay in Australia.
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This is beyond belief!
The Albo Government has sold out the Nation to any criminal who wants to come here and stay. There will be boats from Horizon to Horizon soon. How the hell can anything like this get beyond the comedy show? I am lost for words, even though I knew all along that Albo and his Cronies were against anything to do with the Australian way of Life, and they all harbored a desire for Socialism and the Chinese Way, I never thought that I would see something like how our idiotic Labor Laws would allow a criminal to identify as an Aboriginal and remain in the country.
Albo’ and His Labor Government are going to have a lot to answer for in the time to come.
The Labor-Greens Government changed the rules the unelected Administrative Appeals Tribunal clowns work with so that they could stop an elected minister’s deportation order on appeal. There should be no appeal for non-citizens through the AAT. A Minister’s decision should be final and unappelable.
Albo, under pressure, has changed that rule in Declaration 99 so that the opportunity no longer exists. Hopefull, the fool running the Immigration Program can now take out deportation orders on those who were previously granted rights to remain and get them out of our country.
I often wonder if politicians leave their brains at home when they go to work. Some of the decisions they make are appalling.