Hezbollah Flag Waved on Our Streets, and Nothing is Being Done to Stop This Criminal Act
Frontline – Ray Payne OAM
I can’t believe that in our country, we’re seeing terrorist symbols, such as the Hezbollah flag, being waved openly on our streets, and nothing is being done to stop this criminal behaviour. It’s outrageous. We have strong laws in place to prevent this, laws that specifically make it illegal to support or display symbols associated with terrorist organizations. Under the Criminal Code Act 1995, it is an offense to be associated with or provide support to a listed terrorist organization, which Hezbollah undeniably is. Section 102.1 of the Act makes it clear that such acts are punishable by law.
But where is the action? Where is Anthony Albanese, our Prime Minister? His leadership is nowhere to be seen when it comes to enforcing these laws. His reluctance to take a firm stance and condemn the public display of terrorist symbols is dangerous for all Australians. Is he too afraid to act because of political considerations? Is he more worried about losing votes from the growing Muslim political movement than protecting our national security?
Albanese’s failure to send a clear and strong message to the Australian people is unacceptable. He should be out there, front and centre, making it known that we will not tolerate any support for terrorism in our country. We need a leader who isn’t afraid to uphold the law and protect our communities from the influence of extremist ideologies.
Albanese is failing us all. It’s time for real leadership, and Australia deserves better.
The thing about Australia is that the Court decides the truth or otherwise about the intent of a person or group displaying the flag of a terrorist organization. I am sure Ray that you are very aware of the circumstances that the courts take into consideration when making their decisions, it is the court’s decision not the Government’s. Or would you prefer that the head of our Government get unfettered powers to decide guilt or innocence in all matters regarding questions of law?
The problem I see with the comments of Swannie is that firstly a law was passed to make it illegal to display these symbols. That includes Nazi symbols as well as any presumably declared terrorist group. So if the Government of the day via there Police force don’t arrest & charge these bods carrying these flags how do we know how the courts will interpret the intent of that person. As an ex 1RAR mate of mine said once, & he was a solicitor for many years, take it to the courts & let it then be decided.