Important Notice: Issue with Receiving Emails from Us.

We want to bring to your attention an issue that a small number of our members have encountered regarding the delivery of our daily emails.

It has come to our attention that some of our emails are inadvertently being filtered into spam folders, and in some cases, recipients are receiving warnings about the emails. We understand the inconvenience this may cause, and we want to assure you that it is not an issue on our end.

After thorough investigation, we have confirmed that our domain is not listed on any spamlists, and we adhere to industry best practices to ensure the safe delivery of our emails. However, it seems that certain antivirus programs may be inadvertently marking our emails as spam. It can only be rectified at your end.

While we understand that this may be frustrating, we want to offer a solution that should help alleviate the problem. To ensure that you continue to receive our emails without interruption, we kindly ask you to whitelist our website/domain in your email client or antivirus software.

Whitelisting our domain will instruct your email client or antivirus program to recognize our emails as safe and prevent them from being filtered into your spam folder. Below are instructions on how to whitelist our domain in some commonly used email clients:

How To Whitelist A Domain – Don’t Miss Any Leads (

Our Domain address:

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in resolving this matter. Your satisfaction and uninterrupted access to our communications are of utmost importance to us.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Warm regards,

Ray & Glenn

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