Non-Liability Rehabilitation pilot registrations close 31 December 2023

4 December 2023

The Non-Liability Rehabilitation (NLR) pilot program is closing soon.

Eligible veterans have until 31 December 2023 to become involved in the pilot and access targeted rehabilitation services from medical management, social wellbeing and employment support activities – without the need to have lodged a compensation claim.

Early access to rehabilitation may help veterans improve their health and wellbeing and transition smoothly to civilian life.

A qualified rehabilitation consultant works with participants to create an individual plan that sets out personal rehabilitation goals. Participants don’t need to pay anything, DVA will cover consultant costs and other associated fees for services and activities outlined in the agreed-personalised plan.

Participation is voluntary and participating veterans can withdraw at any time. Veterans are eligible if they:

  • served in the ADF on or after 1 Dec 1988
  • feel they need some rehabilitation help
  • have separated from the ADF or are in the process of transitioning
  • live in Australia
  • have no liability accepted, or are yet to have liability accepted
  • are not already participating in a DVA rehabilitation program.

Visit the DVA website to access more information about the program or get touch by phone on 1800 Veteran (1800 838 372) or email:

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