Protests Against Hamas Erupt in Gaza: A Sign of Change or Desperation?

Pulse of Israel blog

A growing number of protests are breaking out against Hamas in Gaza. This would have been unthinkable in the past, but with the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) steadily gaining control over the Gaza Strip and Hamas seemingly collapsing above ground, more and more “civilians” now feel safe enough to voice their dissent.

Many social media commentators are quick to claim that the people of Gaza have been unwilling victims of Hamas’ rule, largely controlled by fear. But is this the full story?

The reality is that protests against Hamas are not new. They have occurred periodically since Hamas violently ousted Fatah in 2006 after winning the Palestinian elections. During that takeover, Hamas terrorists threw Fatah members off buildings, engaged in gunfights, and expelled the faction’s leadership from Gaza.

Some argue that these latest protests indicate a shift in the attitudes of Gazans towards Israel. However, this is a misinterpretation. What these protests reveal is that when under pressure, the so-called civilians of Gaza will turn against Hamas—but only when they have no other choice. Notably, despite a $5 million reward offered for assistance in rescuing Israeli hostages, not a single Gazan has come forward to help the IDF. Those now protesting against Hamas would, under different circumstances, eagerly take part in another violent campaign against Jews.

As Hamas continues to collapse, there will be an increasing effort to portray the Gazan population as peaceful. But this ignores the fact that the overwhelming majority supported the October 7th attacks and are only speaking out now because they know they are losing.

True peace will only come when the Arabs of Gaza—many of whom trace their roots to Egypt—are resettled elsewhere, and the land is repopulated by Jews, who have an ancient historical connection to the region. Any other solution is based on delusion and is doomed to fail.

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