Senate inquiry into ADF superannuation schemes
Military Superannuation. Thanks to the efforts of Senator Jacqui Lambie the Senate Finance and Public Administration Reference Committee are about to commence a wide-ranging review of ADF superannuation schemes. This is an opportunity for ex-service organisations (ESO”s) and individuals to make submissions on any of the ADF superannuation schemes. How delightful it would be if all serving and ex ADF members could be represented by ESO’s singing from the same book. Alas that will not happen, everybody involved in ADF superannuation schemes should ask their ESO to provide them with a clear statement of what their intentions are. If we are not heard by this committee we will never be heard.
The Australian Defence Force Retirees Association Inc (ADFRA) have developed a facts-based submission on DFRDB. Our research spans many years, and we are confident the facts presented regarding DFRDB should flow on to other schemes. Due to procedural restrictions, we are not permitted to circulate our submission until it has been accepted by the Senate Committee. Basically, our goals are to have restoration of full retirement pay on the attainment of life expectancy for those who commuted, Have Fair indexation applied to the period 1977 to 2014 and to remove the “notional rate” from the Act for those that did not commute, and this would flow on to spouse’s pensions.
You can read about ADFRA’s efforts at adfra.org and you may consider taking up the offer of free membership. We currently have about 5000 signed up members but we need more to make the pollies listen, We. need serving and ex ADF members to sign up and give us the numbers. Membership is open to anyone who believes Governments have for too long neglected the post service conditions dished out to those who committed to military service.
If you agree with this post, please post it on any social Media platform you have access to.
Don’t put it off until tomorrow do it today.
There could be outcomes for every member of the ADF since 1 October 1972 and every serviceman/woman needs to be made aware of this inquiry
Thanks for your consideration
Jim Hislop OAM
President ADFRA