The Islamic Republic of Iran: An Ideological Regime Defined by Hostility
The Times
Since its inception in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been more than just a state; it is an ideological entity that defines itself in opposition to the United States, Israel, and the West. This enmity is not merely a foreign policy stance but a foundational pillar of the regime’s legitimacy. Without this hostility, the Iranian leadership would lose the very justification it has used to consolidate and maintain its power.
Iran’s ruling clerics refer to the United States as the “Great Satan” and Israel as the “Little Satan,” portraying themselves as the force of divine justice fighting against these supposed embodiments of evil. The mullahs’ hostility is not just rhetoric—it is the bedrock of their governance. If Tehran were to normalise relations with Washington or Tel Aviv, it would contradict the revolutionary principles upon which it was built.
Unlike conventional dictatorships that may shift their policies for strategic reasons, Iran’s leadership views opposition to the West as a religious and ideological duty. Abandoning this position would not only undermine the regime’s legitimacy but could also lead to its internal collapse.
For more than four decades, Western policymakers have attempted to engage with Iran through diplomacy, economic incentives, and sanctions relief, hoping to moderate its behaviour. However, every negotiation follows the same pattern: Iran makes promises, gains political and financial benefits, and then resumes its belligerent actions. This cycle has been particularly evident in nuclear negotiations.
The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, is a prime example. In exchange for lifting sanctions and receiving billions of dollars, Iran temporarily slowed its nuclear activities. Yet, instead of using this financial windfall to improve the lives of ordinary Iranians, the regime funnelled money into terrorist proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas, accelerated uranium enrichment, and expanded its influence across the Middle East. Far from fostering moderation, the agreement emboldened Tehran.
Iran’s leadership views nuclear weapons as the ultimate guarantor of its survival. The fate of Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, who surrendered his nuclear ambitions only to be overthrown and killed, serves as a cautionary tale for Tehran. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has explicitly stated that Gaddafi’s downfall proves why Iran must never surrender its nuclear ambitions.
Just as with North Korea, negotiations may slow Iran’s nuclear program but will never halt it. The regime engages in talks only when it needs to buy time—whether to rebuild its economy under the cover of diplomacy, lull the West into complacency, or wait out an unfavourable political climate. The ultimate goal remains unchanged: to develop nuclear weapons as a deterrent against any attempt to remove the regime from power.
No country understands Iran’s true nature better than Israel. Unlike some Western policymakers who cling to illusions of diplomacy, Israel recognizes that Iran’s regime is built on deceit and aggression. Iran’s constitution explicitly states its commitment to exporting its Islamist revolution worldwide, and its leadership has openly declared the goal of wiping Israel off the map.
The West must abandon its failed strategy of engagement with Tehran. Diplomacy has not worked for more than four decades—and it never will. The Islamic Republic is not a rational state actor that can be coaxed into cooperation through economic incentives or goodwill gestures. It is an ideological entity that sees itself as divinely mandated to oppose the West.
If the West genuinely wants to counter the Iranian threat, it must adopt a strategy of strength. This means fully supporting Israel’s stance on Iran, imposing maximum pressure on Tehran, and taking decisive measures to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Regrettably, the only language Iran’s regime understands is force. Until the West recognizes this reality, it will continue to be deceived while Iran advances its ambitions unchecked.