TPI Association President Resigns

TPI Federation President Ms. Pat McCabe OAM Falls on Her Sword, 4.44 am 24th February 2025.

G’day all,

Monday was a historic day for the TPI Federation of Australia and all fellow TPIs.  The TPI Federation President has stepped down from power. (Copy attached).

In what could have been a graceful exit, the Federation President Ms. Pat McCabe OAM resorts to more lies. The claim that the President was pushed is laughable, any other TPI with the history that this President has had would have walked years ago.  But no, the President claims harassment, bullying and lies have been circulated by my Board, non-member TPIs etc.

Well, let us get a few things straight right here.  The harassment and bullying have been carried out by the President herself over the past number of years.  Just ask the large number of Directors that were illegally removed by her because they did not kotow to her or raised questions that she did not like.  Scott Jeffrey VP Federation Director SA was the latest victim, but fortunately he did not back down and challenged the President, who was found guilty of breaching the Federation Constitution in the removal of Scott.  Also ask the number of TPIs that had their emails blocked by her because they questioned her about her ethos.  We will go into the years she spent reading all Federation emails not directed to her but because she had control of the Federation servers, used them to spy on TPIs and remain in absolute control.

Then the accusation of lies, we’ll let us go through a few lies over the past years that would have any other President sacked from the position.


  1. Lied to Senators at a FADT Hearing on veteran suicides when she claimed that the Federation Congress over three years has agreed that there was no difference between operational servicepersons and peacetime TPIs. An outright lie, it never happened.


  1. Bushfires raging across the country and the President sent a letter on Australia Day claiming 5,000 TPIs and their families were in dire straits because of the bushfires. Another outright lie that resulted in the PM of the day not wanting to have anything to do with her.


  1. The recent Royal Commission in Veteran Suicides where she lied to the Commissioners a number of times, but the main lie was the claim that some 3% of claims made by veterans were fraudulent. Investigation found only two cases of fraud were detected by DVA and they could not state whether they were veterans or providers.


2024/25. Lies over a number of issues and even when removed from ESORT, Pat would not except the Directors authority to elect Scott Jeffrey as the ESORT representative for the Federation. Pat demanded a second vote and still the Directors overwhelmingly supported Scott Jeffrey 10 votes to 3, with 2 of the President votes coming from the Fraudulent Bogus Director’s Moore and Wilson, who have illegally spent DVA(GIA) Grant in Aid, taxpayers ‘funds with the full knowledge of Ms. McCabe.

There were many other lies and misinformation given out by the President over the years and most have been addressed by us with factual data being provided.

You cannot take back what is written in the public record, when you attempt to put yourself above all others, you have to take ownership of them.

As for the words “MY BOARD”, just how egotistical is this.  The Directors are elected by the membership of their Association while the President applies for the position and is not elected.  The Directors run the show not the President.  Pat McCabe forgot her position and became an overbearing Dictator, who thought her power could not be questioned.

The President was not pushed from her position.  There was no alternative, but to resign, but those words are not in Pat’s vocabulary.

The last act of utter defiance was to redraft the Federation Constitution without any input from the Directors, State Associations and members, whereby the President changed the Member State of Victoria to remove TPI Victoria Inc and insert the non-entity TPI Regional Associations of Victoria. This in effect would have prevented TPI Victoria Inc, with thousands of members from re-joining the Federation. How much animosity is that against fellow TPIs.  Fortunately, the Directors would not have a bar of the latest gimmick and instead would have used her stupid submission to show she was not fit to be a President.

The appropriate place for the Federation Constitution drafted by Pat is the rubbish bin.

So, make up your own mind.  Is the email presented by the past President one that would be appropriate of a person standing down?  We think not, it was more about her and how unfairly she had been mistreated.  Not one shred of an apology for the chaos she has caused within the Federation over these past number of years.

We wish the Directors and especially the long-suffering members a bright future under a younger Generation President with an open and transparent TPI Federation for all.

The 5-6 year long fight for us is over, we would like to acknowledge the late John Barnes AATTV Vietnam, Federal Director for TPI Victoria Inc, who was the first TPI in 2019 to call the President out for lies and misleading statements, there are numerous others to many to mention that deserve our thanks, a person we will acknowledge is Andrew Gizycki Ex Federation Director for Qld who deserve a special mention, Andrew was on the receiving end of some of the Ex President worst decisions.

Yours Sincerely

Bill Williams TPI & Rick Ryan TPI

CLICK LINK to read TPI President’s resignation letter

TPI Federation President Stands Down



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