Woke Defence Force Ready to Teach You About Gender!

ED: I can’t help but feel that the Australian Defence Force has lost its way. It’s supposed to be about defending the country, but instead, it’s turned into a social experiment pushing woke ideology. When I think of the ADF, I remember well-trained soldiers, advanced military equipment, and a focus on being combat-ready. But now, it feels like all the attention is on diversity and inclusion, with more emphasis on cultural flags and gender representation than actual military strength.

Why is sexuality or gender identity suddenly so important when preparing for war? It honestly baffles me that the ADF seems more interested in making sure they have the right mix of identities rather than making sure their personnel are capable of handling real combat situations. Major General Rawlings calling Mardi Gras a “capstone event” for the LGBT community in the military—seriously? Are we really putting more value on attending parades than mastering the skills needed to fly a fighter jet or command a tank?

The fact that recruitment is down, and the ADF is under strength, makes it even more frustrating. Instead of focusing on training and attracting the right people, they seem to think that letting men wear female uniforms is somehow the answer. It’s laughable, really.


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  • Ian McDonell September 7, 2024   Reply →

    Could not agree more with you mate

  • Tony Thompson September 7, 2024   Reply →

    I served in the RAAF from January 1964 until June 1986. During that time, it was an immediate discharge if you were found guilty of Homosexuality. I was becoming concerned at the way sexuality was changing and becoming more accepted. I decided to resign in 1986 before sexual acceptation became compulsory.
    I thoroughly enjoyed my service in the RAAF ensuring that we were all well trained and kept the machinery and equipment functioning, ensuring it was doing what it was intended for.
    Past and present members I keep in touch with are of the similar opinion to me and are at wits end to visualise to what the future for the ADF is becoming.
    I would not recommend to any of my friends or acquaintances in joining an Organisation to which direction the ADF is heading.
    Just my thoughts; please prove me wrong.

  • Brian J. Hirlock September 7, 2024   Reply →

    Much of this embarrassing and morale1destroying stupidity can be laid at the feet of the abominable clown, General (sic) Campbell and his behind-the-scenes string puller, his Missus! How to sabotage a Defence Force in one ongoing “woke” campaign of utter stupidity!

  • Tony Morton, OAM September 8, 2024   Reply →

    Spot on ‘Ed’ totally lost the plot. All started with Morrison and has been going down hill ever since.

  • stevow September 9, 2024   Reply →

    I can’t understand you all, we have fields full of daisies we can throw at the enemy, on reconsidering maybe not, with all the solar panels and batteries, maybe the fires solar causes will make Oz a scorched earth, and no one will want to invade then. Anyway the military I knew loved parades so why not lgbtq (is that right?) parades too. Wait for the rainbow uniforms, that will be next.

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