Compensation and Health Care treatment under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986
Who is Eligible?
Former Australian Defence Force personnel who satisfy the definition of having rendered British Nuclear Test (BNT) defence service or service as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) in Japan after the Second World War are eligible to claim for conditions arising from that service. Widow/ers of BNT/BCOF participants may also be eligible to claim, if the death was related to BNT/BCOF service, or the BNT/BCOF participant was eligible for Disability Compensation Payment above 100% of the General Rate.
For detailed BNT eligibility, see BNT participants who may get a Veteran Gold Card.
How do you apply
To lodge a claim, complete either the D2582 Claim for Disability Compensation Payment, or D2663 Claim for Pension by a Widow, Widower or other Dependant of a Deceased Veteran and submit it by post to Department of Veterans’ Affairs, GPO Box 9998, Brisbane QLD 4001, or lodge it in person at your nearest DVA Office.
Health Care Treatment
The 2017-18 Budget included a measure to provide the Veteran Gold Card to all Australian participants in the British nuclear tests in Australia in the 1950s and 1960s (including certain civilians within the test areas) and to Australians who were part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan after the Second World War.
Treatment is provided under the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests and British Commonwealth Occupation Force (Treatment) Act 2006.
Who is Eligible?
British nuclear tests in Australia were conducted at Emu Field and Maralinga in South Australia and at the Monte Bello Islands off the West Australian coast from 1952 to 1957. Eligibility for the Veteran Gold Card was extended to those who were working, either as an Australian Defence Force member or as a Commonwealth employee or contractor, in at least one of these testing areas while tests were conducted or were present in a test area within a two year period after the relevant explosion. Those who participated in the minor nuclear test trials conducted between 1953 and 1963 are also eligible.
Eligibility was also extended to Commonwealth Police, Australian Federal Police and Australian Protective Service Officers who patrolled the Maralinga nuclear test area up to 30 June 1988.
Others who were in a nuclear test area at a relevant time are also eligible, regardless of whether their presence in a nuclear test area was associated with the nuclear tests. This includes pastoralists and indigenous people among others.
The British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) was created on 31 January 1946 and ceased to exist on 28 April 1952. Eligibility for the Veteran Gold Card was extended to any person who served with the Australian contingent in Japan as part of BCOF. Service in Japan as part of the British Commonwealth Forces Korea is not included, regardless of the dates of service.
How do you apply
If you were present at any of the British Nuclear Test sites in Australia or served with the Australian contingent of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan after the end of the Second World War please fill out the claim form and return it to:
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
British Nuclear Test Participants and British Commonwealth Occupation Force Participants
GPO Box 9998
Brisbane QLD 4001
Alternatively, you can lodge the form at your local DVA office.
Commemorative Medallion
A medallion commemorating Australian participation in the British Nuclear Tests in Australia was minted in time for the 50th anniversary of the end of the major tests in October 2007 and recognises the service of those Australians who participated in or provided support to the Program.
Who is Eligible?
Any Australian, whether military personnel, police or civilians who participated in or provided support to the British Nuclear Test Program in Australia can make a claim for the Medallion.
How do you apply
If you participated in or provided support to the British Nuclear Test Program in Australia, you can lodge a claim for the Medallion by filling out the claim form and return it to:
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Income Support New Claims
GPO Box 9998
Brisbane QLD 4001
Alternatively, you can lodge the form at your local DVA office.
If you wish to obtain a hard copy of the form or would like any further information about the Medallion, please contact the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and ask to speak with the Income Support New Claims section.