Funeral Details for MAJGEN D M Butler AO, DSO

The funeral of MAJGEN D M Butler, AO, DSO will be conducted at the RMC Chapel, Duntroon, Canberra at 1.30 pm, Monday 7 December 2020.

It is realised little time is left to organise travel and that there remain questions about COVID etc.     However, all are welcome to attend. Personnel driving to Duntroon is advised to enter via the back gate and into the car park from where a bus shuttle service will ferry people to the Chapel.    Note, other parking exists in the camp including near the Sergeants’ Mess.   There will be some special parking for disabled personnel with signposting.

This will be a full military funeral in accordance with the entitlement for officers of major-general rank.    Those attending should wear uniform, suit, or coat –with medals.

After the service refreshments will be served in Duntroon House.

Please send any condolence messages via Brigadier (retired)Terry Holland’s email address:    [email protected]

12316 WOI Laurie James Graham

Sadly, I have been advised of the death on 27th June of 12316 WOI Laurie James Graham. He had been in ill health and died at home peacefully. His two daughters have looked after him for the last two years.

Laurie had served in Water Transport units since 1946 including AV1379 Tarra and all LSMs. He was on the delivery voyage from Japan on AV1355 Vernon Sturdee


His funeral service will be held on Monday 6 July 2020 at 1.00pm at the North Chapel, Pinegrove  Memorial Park, Kington Street, Minchinbury NSW 2770.


Because of COVID-19 restrictions, only 24 people will be allowed inside the Chapel, but unlimited outside.

16369 Dudley (Bob) Robert Venables

Sadly I have been advised of the death on the 27th June of 16369 Dudley (Bob) Robert Venables. Bob served in Vietnam with 1RAR Feb 66-June 66, 6RAR Jun 66-Feb 67, 8RAR Nov 69-Nov 70. Bob was a strong supporter of the 8RAR Assoc while his health allowed. His funeral will be small … details will be proved when known.


38935 Capt Desmond John Wilmore

38935 Capt Desmond John Wilmore

Sadly I have been advised of his death at his home on Friday 26th June 2020. Des had served in Malaysia & Singapore in 1969- 71 also in Vietnam with AATTV in all of 1972. No funeral arrangement have been made as yet.

53329 Brian Francis Granland

Sadly, I have been advised that 53329 Brian Francis Granland passed away peacefully in Perth last night. Brian served as a Sergeant in Mortar Platoon, 1RAR during the first tour of Vietnam, he had also served in Malaya during the emergency. Brian was a strong supporter of the 1RAR Association in WA. May he now rest in peace.


26931 D. Peter Rothwell

Peter Rothwell

24/7/1932 – 3/6/2020

Vietnam Service – 1RAR 9/6/1965 till 9/6/1966 …….. AATTV – 27/5/1968 till 28/5/1969

A genuine Officer who served as 2IC D COY 1RAR

He will be remembered as he now rests in peace.

Lest we forget

Hi Ray

Peter passed away peaceful today at 4.30pm at home. He had been ill for some time. As Peter would say himself he had a good innings and enjoy excellent health  except for the last few years. He would have been 88 next month.

It was his wish that the funeral be private. But early next year I plan to have a celebration event of his life with family and friends.

Best regards

Denise Rothwell



Sadly we have been informed of the passing of Hedley Stewart, C Coy 6 RAR, June 1966 – March 1967, on 10 May 2020.
Rest in Peace, Hedley.
Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one. Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.



Sadly, I have been advised that Sidney Charles Tooth, 6 RAR SVN June 1966 to 2 April 1967, passed away on 14 Jan 2020.

Rest in Peace, Sidney.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.