Vale 1200605 Robert Service – RAEME – 6RAR Vietnam

10 Jul 1942 – 23 Sept 2023

I don’t know whether you know of ex-army soldier Robert Service. He is a member of the Wynnum and Manly Men’s Shed. He served in Vietnam and I think the battle of Long Tan. Sadly, he passed away last Saturday23 Sep.
His funeral is tomorrow Fri 29th, in Wynnum.

Clive Bond RAAF Rtd


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One comment

  • Ernest Chamberlain September 29, 2023   Reply →

    A short item on RAEME Robert Service’s involvement in/above the Battle of Long Tan can be found at: : In Nui Dat: “climbed aboard the helicopter and help him wrap the ammo boxes”. … “After a short period of time, we arrived at our destination ((Long Tan battle site)); we were at tree top height. Through the rain, you could see the trees. I helped push the ammo boxes as well as some ammo in sand bags right to the edge of the floor of the helicopter. The A/C rolled on its side and the load helped by the door gunner and ourselves left the A/C and fell to the ground. After the drop we returned to Nui Dat..”

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