Vale 1411186 John Harry HARRINGTON – 5RAR Vietnam
20 November 1943 – 11 September 2023.
CPL John Harrington died on Monday 11 September on the Sunshine Coast, QLD.
John attended 1 RTB and Infantry Centre and in September 1966 deployed to join 1 ARU in Vietnam. In November he joined 5 Section, 5 Platoon, 5 RAR as a rifleman returning with the Battalion in May 1967. John re-deployed for 5 RAR’s 1969-70 tour as a Corporal in the Pioneers Platoon arriving back in Australia in February 1970. His last posting was 2 RTB, Puckapunyal and took discharge in 1972.
Funeral details are: Tuesday 19 September 10:30 am Gregson and Weight, Nambour 34 National Park Road, Nambour QLD 4560
Gary Townsend
5 RARA Membership Officer/Tiger Tales Editor