VALE: 1411309 GREGORY (GREG) REGINALD HANSEN, 7, 1, 2, 8, 8/9, 2/4 & 6 RAR
Sadly, we have received confirmation via numerous sources that GREG HANSEN passed away in the early hours of 12 Jan 23.
As you can see from the heading, Greg served in many RAR Battalions including 6 RAR as the Battalion 2IC in the late 90’s or early 2000’s.
The funeral will be at the Mt Thompson Crematorium, 329 Nursery Rd, Holland Park QLD ((07) 3349 2001), at 2pm 20th of January 2023.
Medals to be worn.
Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one. Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.
Allan Whelan, Secretary