Vale 1731794 David John Haynes MM – 2RAR

18 May 1945 – 28 January 2023

David passed peacefully on Saturday 28th January 2023. David was residing in Stanthorpe.

He served as an Infantry National Serviceman with 2 RAR and deployed for their first Tour of South Vietnam in 1967-1968.

He was from Signals Platoon and served as the A Company, Company Signaller. He was awarded a very well-deserved MM in some very horrific conditions.

David has a street named after him inside 2 RAR (Amphib)’s Samichon Lines located on Lavarack Barracks in Townsville Queensland.

A Company, 2 RAR (Amphib) on Tuesday, 31st of January 2023 conducted a remembrance ceremony in honour of David, reading his full citation to the assembled Company, pausing for a minute’s silence and a floral tribute laid by the Company Commander of A Company.

His funeral will take place on Monday 6th February at 10:00 at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, High Street, Stanthorpe followed by a burial service at Stanthorpe Cemetery.

His funeral will be live-streamed as well.

with thanks,

Jason ‘Harry’  Harrison

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