Australian Army and Royal Australian Navy Embrace National Technical Trades Training

In a groundbreaking move, the Australian Army and Royal Australian Navy are tapping into the extensive national network of technical trade providers supported by industry, government, and universities to introduce a collaborative technical trades training system.

Termed as a game-changer in trades training capabilities, the Joint Technical Trades Training System (JTTTS) is set to revolutionize the development of critical technical skills for personnel in both the Army and Navy, equipping them with industry-recognized qualifications that are vital for their roles in the field.

The Army kicked off its training under the JTTTS on January 1st, following the signing of a contract between both the Navy and Army with the Wodonga Institute of TAFE (WIOT) last year. This initiative is backed by the National Technical Education Network (NTEN) partners.

Lieutenant Colonel Tim Soper, Commanding Officer of the Army School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, highlighted that the JTTTS will broaden training opportunities across various regions and locations, thereby enabling the Defence training system to swiftly adapt to changing capability demands.

“This contract marks a significant stride forward in our quest to foster a highly skilled and flexible force. By embracing a modern and adaptable training framework, we are empowering our personnel to excel in their respective domains and confront the evolving complexities of modern warfare,” LTCOL Soper explained.

The JTTTS collaborates with a wide array of training organizations nationwide, including SW Metro TAFE in Western Australia, Charles Darwin University in the Northern Territory, TAFE Queensland, TAFE NSW, The University of New England, Kinetic IT, and Wodonga TAFE.

Chief JTTTS Officer Adam Jacoby emphasized, “Uniting some of the nation’s most esteemed training institutions in a cooperative and innovative national delivery model will reshape the Defence training landscape, ensuring greater responsiveness to the Australian Defence Force’s immediate and long-term strategic objectives.”

The JTTTS will offer nationally accredited and non-accredited technical training pathways leading to certifications ranging from Certificate II, III, IV, and advanced trade qualifications in areas such as construction, electrical, electronics, engineering, mechanical, and starting from January 2025, aviation maintenance management (mechanical/avionics).


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