ED: This arrived last night from a mate is the US, it’s an article from a US motoring magazine. I couldn’t copy the photos.

Ford’s foray into electric vehicle (EV) production has encountered significant financial setbacks. Despite ambitious plans to transition towards electric mobility, the company has struggled to achieve profitability in its EV segment. According to Bloomberg, Ford’s losses per electric vehicle exceeded $100,000 in the first quarter of 2024, a stark increase from the previous year’s already substantial deficits. This substantial loss highlights several critical challenges facing Ford and the broader EV market.

Market Dynamics and Decreased Demand

The EV market, which initially showed promising growth, has recently faced a downturn. Factors contributing to the declining demand include high vehicle costs, limited charging infrastructure, and the economic uncertainty affecting consumer spending. As a result, Ford has had to reassess its production targets and scale back orders from battery suppliers, reflecting a broader industry trend of cautious investment amidst fluctuating market conditions.

Production and Supply Chain Challenges

Ford’s significant financial losses also stem from production and supply chain issues. The transition to EV production requires substantial upfront investment in new manufacturing technologies and processes. Additionally, the reliance on a complex supply chain for critical components, such as lithium-ion batteries, has exposed Ford to cost volatility and supply disruptions. These challenges have been exacerbated by global supply chain constraints, leading to increased production costs and delayed vehicle deliveries.

Competitive Landscape and Technological Barriers

The competitive landscape for EVs is intensely crowded, with established automakers and new entrants vying for market share. Companies like Tesla, which have a head start in EV technology and production, have set high benchmarks for cost efficiency and innovation. Ford, despite its legacy and resources, has found it challenging to compete on these fronts. The technological barriers in battery efficiency, range, and charging speed further complicate Ford’s efforts to close the gap with more established EV manufacturers.

Policy and Regulatory Uncertainties

Government policies and regulations play a crucial role in the adoption of EVs. While many regions offer incentives for EV purchases, these policies can be inconsistent and subject to change. Uncertainty around future regulations, such as emissions standards and subsidies, has added another layer of complexity to Ford’s EV strategy. The lack of a stable and supportive policy environment can deter consumers and investors, impacting the overall market growth.

Strategic Shifts and Future Prospects

In response to these challenges, Ford is likely to undertake strategic shifts. This may include focusing on more profitable segments, such as hybrid vehicles, or partnering with technology firms to enhance their EV capabilities. Additionally, Ford might explore alternative business models, like subscription services or fleet sales, to mitigate risks and stabilize revenues.

Despite these setbacks, Ford remains committed to its long-term vision of electrification. The company has announced plans to invest heavily in EV infrastructure, including the development of a dedicated EV platform and the expansion of its charging network. These initiatives are aimed at positioning Ford to capitalize on the anticipated future growth of the EV market.


Ford’s experience underscores the broader challenges and uncertainties facing the automotive industry’s shift towards electrification. While the financial losses are significant, they also highlight the need for strategic adaptation and innovation. As Ford navigates these turbulent waters, its actions will serve as a valuable case study for other automakers and stakeholders in the evolving EV landscape.



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One comment

  • Rod Spragg May 20, 2024   Reply →

    What you mean people are starting to wake to the fact that EV’s are a giant con.

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