Learn From Sad History

Written by: Lana Starkey and Colleen Harkin

Millennials’ support for ‘socialism’ would wane if they were taught more of its true nature and tragic history, report IPA Research Fellows Lana Starkey and Colleen Harkin.

Long branded narcissistic, entitled, and politically apathetic, the ‘Me me me’ millennial generation—those born between 1980 and 2000—are now the largest voting group in Australia. If the polls are correct, their attitude towards politics can be summed up in three red emblazoned words: ‘Tax the rich’. In 2021, ‘the world’s most famous left-wing millennial’, New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, attended the exclusive Met gala ball wearing an ivory Brother Vellies gown with the provocative slogan emblazoned in red across the back. The stunt drew a mixed reaction with some criticising it as hypocritical while others praised Ocasio-Cortez for audaciously demanding the uber-rich cough up at their own exclusive event. Whatever the effect, the stunt was appropriately glib, and along with a rise of socialist-leaning candidates across the Anglosphere over the same period, it prompted a reassessment of generation Y’s political preferences, hitherto considered largely incoherent.

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Learn From Sad History – IPA – The Voice For Freedom

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