Little Radar – Toting Robotic Gun Vehicle Aims To Protect Squads From Drones.

A trio of international defence contractors have teamed up to offer a new lower-tier counter-drone system that consists of a turreted infantry rifle with a computerized “smart sight,” a small radar array, and a six-wheeled uncrewed ground vehicle. The resulting combination could potentially be employed against other threats beyond drones and would also offer units on the ground valuable surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities.

Smart Shooter, headquartered in Israel, collaborated with Leonardo DRS, the U.S.-based subsidiary of Italy’s Leonardo, and American firm HDT Global to develop this system, seen in the picture at the top of this story. It is set to make its public debut at the Association of the U.S. Army’s main annual conference that opens in Washington, D.C. next week.

The weapon component of the system comes from Smart Shooter. It consists of the company’s Smash Hopper remote-controlled turret armed with a standard infantry rifle equipped with a Smash 2000-series computerized optic.

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Little Radar-Toting Robotic Gun Vehicle Aims To Protect Squads From Drones (

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