• Robert Blyth June 8, 2024   Reply →

    Yes, a gentleman that probably did more to damage the moral of the ADF than any other man in history.

  • Stephen Wise 4410965 RAE June 8, 2024   Reply →

    What a disaster this man is. The sooner he is gone the better.
    We must stamp his tenure indelibly in history and in our minds.
    The damage and disgrace he has brought to the ADF is probably
    as bad as any senior officer has ever achieved.
    Single handedly demeaning the awards and decorations received
    by those courageous men who served in a theatre of war and
    earned meritorious mention by their actions.
    I pity the man for not being able to understand the true worth and
    emotion behind those pretty little flashes of colour on his chest.

  • Jim Hislop June 10, 2024   Reply →

    The CDF is a political appointment and what government would appoint a CDF who may rock the boat. For the sake of our serving and ex-serving members of the ADF may we never see another CDF like this. All officers of ‘Star: rank should remember the most vital and important commodity they have are the men and women of the ADF.

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