Secret bid to resettle Rohingya child sex predator revealed.

Secret plans to send the United States the Rohingya child sex predator, who triggered the High Court precedent which led to dozens of criminals being released, has cast doubt on Labor’s claims it was caught off guard by the decision.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has maintained her advice was that the Commonwealth would win the case, but when it failed, the decision paved the way for at least 141 detainees, including pedophiles and murderers to be released into Australian streets.

Documents obtained by Sky News Australia paint a different story about the Commonwealth’s confidence in the case, and detail attempts to resettle the Rohingya man, known only as NZYQ, in the United States.

“The frequency and nature of the email correspondence between Home Affairs department officials appears to call into question the minister’s statements on Sunday Agenda a week and a half ago that her department had advised her the government was likely to win the case,” Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell said.

The Home Affairs Minister previously told Sky News Australia the department “knew it was 20 years of legal precedent, and we were advised that it was likely that the Commonwealth would win the case”.

During the interview, Ms O’Neil declined to say when the advice was received.

“But the emails tendered to the Home Court show the Home Affairs department was contacting the Australian embassy in the US and asking them to lobby the state department to resettle the detainee,” Mr Clennell said.


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One comment

  • A.E.L. K. December 2, 2023   Reply →

    We are gradually loosing our hard earned heritage

    That’s right, get rid of ANZAC day.
    ” ” ” Australia Day
    Power to the minorities.
    Tear down the statues.
    Resettle murders and pedophiles in Australia.
    Change the names of our towns and cities.
    What a ” lucky country”!!!!! Sounds like communism to me

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