Seeking Contact with Family of SSGT Ron ‘Chad’ Hansen
The 2 RAR Historical Collection is actively reaching out to the relatives or friends of QX26788 and 1/280 SSGT Ron ‘Chad’ Hansen.
We hope you will share this incredible story on your Frontline website and distribute it via email.
We came across an insightful article in our collection, specifically within the 2nd Tour of Malaya (1961-1963) folder. It narrates the journey of a remarkable individual who holds the record for the longest service duration in the Battalion.
Before his illustrious tenure with the Battalion, Hansen proudly served in WW2 with the 63rd Bn, followed by the 2/15 Bn. His subsequent journey began with the 66 Battalion (which later evolved into 2 RAR). This journey took him to various significant locations such as Puckapunyal, Korea (where he distinguished himself as the Sniper SGT), Enoggera, the 1st tour of Malaya, Holsworthy, and then his final mission during the Second Tour of Malaya. Astoundingly, Hansen dedicated a consecutive 17 years to the Battalion, witnessing its formation and all its significant transitions, wars, and relocations.
The article attached indicates that after an impressive 20 years, he retired during the Second Tour of Malaya and made his way back to Brisbane. For those who might recognize the names, Hansen hailed from Moorooka and was originally born in Kilcoy.
We earnestly request anyone who might be related to or knows Chad to get in touch with us. His narrative represents a monumental chapter in the Battalion’s history and deserves to be shared and celebrated.
ED: If you can help, please contact Jason Harrison curator of 2 RAR Historical Collection Email:
Jason’s Mobile: 0419 749 198