Why is it So? Some Interesting Observations

Are we living in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended?

• Why is it that when archaeologists find human remains, they can determine whether they’re male or female but none of the other dozen genders?

• How is it that the government can’t control petrol prices…but the weather is something they can fix?

• We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skills, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.

• Why are we told to lower Air Conditioner usage on hot days to prevent overwhelming the electric grid while simultaneously being told to trade in petrol cars for electric vehicles?

• Why is cancelling student debt a good idea? Does it make sense to reward people who do not honour their financial commitment by taxing people who do?

• Why is talking sexually in the workplace considered sexual harassment to adults…but talking about sexuality to children Grade 3 at school considered education?

• If your electric car runs out of power on the motorway, do you walk to a charging station to get a bucket of electricity?

• Why are we running out of money for Medicare and not for welfare?

• Mice die in mouse traps because they do not understand why the cheese is free. Just like socialism.

• The most powerful governments on earth can’t stop a virus from spreading…but say they can change the earth’s temperature if you pay more tax.

• If you don’t want to stand for the National Anthem, perhaps you should give your legs to a veteran who lost his. That way a real man can stand in your place.

Thanks Ted

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  • Clive Bond May 5, 2024   Reply →

    Wonderful. About 90% of politicians should read this. Probably have to get somebody to read it for them.

  • MR DANIEL BERNARD HARKINS May 7, 2024   Reply →

    here here

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