4th August 1934 – 30th October 2023

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the death of Heinz Grabowski.

Husband to Gretel, Father to Barbara, Bernie and Helen, Grandfather to many, Great Grandfather to many.

Our hearts are broken, but you have been released of the pain and now at peace.

Australian Soldier of 21 years (1963 – 1984) Infantry (Duty First) 1 RAR (PNG) (Twice), 2 RAR (Vietnam), 3 RAR & 5 RAR

Overseas Service: PNG & Vietnam

Your duty is done sir, Stand Down and thank you for your service.

Service with French Foreign Legion 1955-1958 (Vietnam & Algeria)



Jeffrey John ‘Bucko’ BUCKMAN passed away, after a long illness, on Sunday 5 November 2023. Jeff, a national serviceman, completed his basic training, then his Royal Australian Artillery employment training at 1st Field Regiment Holsworthy in 1967. He was posted to 107 Battery at Holsworthy and later in 1967 was posted to A (100) Field Battery in Malaysia as a reinforcement, along with around ten other 107 Battery Members. They all re-joined 107 when the Battery arrived in Malaysia in September 1967 to take over from A Fd Bty.  He was discharged from the Australian Army on the successful completion of his National Service obligation in 1969 and spent most of his life in Esperance, WA. Bob was a foundation member of 107 Battery Association. He leaves behind his wife Stephanie and daughters Penny and Peta.

A Memorial Service for the Late  Jeff Buckman will be held at the Esperance Bay Yacht Club on Thursday 23 November 2023 commencing at 2.00pm.  A cremation will be held in accordance with his wishes.

No flowers by request, donations in lieu to the Cancer Council.

Hilton Lenard, 107 Bty Assn


9 March 1945 – 7 November 2023

PTE John ‘Gomer’ Cole died at home in Melton South, on Tuesday 7 November.

John was a National Serviceman, 1st intake, he completed his recruit training at 2 RTB. He then was transferred to 9 Platoon, Charlie Company, 5 RAR to receive Corps Training. At the end of this training John joined Mortar Platoon, Support Company. He was deployed to Vietnam on 30 April 1966. He served the Battalion’s full 1st tour of duty with the Mortar Platoon. John returned to Australia with the Battalion aboard HMAS Sydney which docked in Sydney on 12 May 1967.

No funeral details are available at this time.

Gary Townsend

5 RARA Membership Officer/Tiger Tales Editor


Rob’s funeral service is to be held on the Gold Coast

The Service is to be held on Wednesday the 15 November 2023 at 1pm at Integrity Funerals, 18 Tonga Pl Parkwood.

As background info: Rob was Platoon Commander 12 Pl Delta Coy in the early 1970s and then took up the position of Battalion Assistant Adjutant prior to our Second Tour of SVN.

The funeral is going to be live streamed at:

To open Live Stream our members, go to the main page of Integrity Funerals at

Scroll down to the heading Live Streaming and click on that then, Click on Rob Martin and enter the PIN Code of 4024

If any problems Andrew Ramsey Funeral Coordinator is contactable on 0755764545.

Condolences may be sent to his daughter at the following:

Email: [email protected]



Wendy M McLean J.P.(Qual) LM

Secretary/Membership Officer

4RAR Association Qld. Inc.’


Death Notice Barry Thomas Uren

We have received advice of the death on 21 October 2023 of Barry Uren. He was 82. Barry served in Vietnam from October 1966 until May 1967 with the Detachment 131 Divisional Locating Battery. A funeral for Barry was held on 28 October 2023.

RIP Barry Thomas Uren

Peter Bruce, OAM
Obituary Resource Officer

Memorial Service – Colonel Brian Matthew Lyndsay Hall (Retd) – RAA

A Memorial Service for Brian will be held at The Boat House Restaurant, 7 Menindee Drive, Barton, on Monday, 6 November 2023, commencing at 11:00am.
Brian tackled cancer with all he could give but, in the end, it simply overwhelmed him. Like everything else Brian did he did it with grace and

acceptance, never complaining. The family ask that in lieu of flowers donations are made to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia:

Peter Bruce, OAM
Obituary Resource Officer


We have been advised by Robin’s daughter that he passed away on Wednesday 25/10/2023. A service will be held in November to commemorate him with those details to be forthcoming.

Please forward any correspondence or queries to his daughter Dana Martin at Email:[email protected] Rob was assistant adjutant on 2nd tour.


Wendy M McLean J.P.(Qual) LM

Secretary/Membership Officer

4RAR Association Qld. Inc.’

VALE – 1202660 WO1 Edward John (Jim) OLDFIELD – RACMP

16 December 1937 – 27 October 2023

Aged 85 Years

It is with deep regret that I inform you of the passing of Jim Oldfield this morning after a long battle with health issues. Jim joined the army in April 1968 and was allocated direct to RACMP.   Jim served at various postings in VIC, NSW & QLD, he also served with the PM Directorate office Canberra as the RACMP Career Management SO4.   Jim served in Vietnam from July 1970 – July 1971.

Jim had a firm but fair attitude through all aspects of his career and was a highly respected soldier who could always be relied upon.

He will be sadly missed by all who served with him.


Condolences to:   Mrs Helen OLDFIELD & Family

311 Carlyle Gardens

Beck Drive North

Condon   QLD   4815

Funeral Details:   TBA


Footnote.   Jim once told me how he became to be known as Jim rather than being called by his given Christian name.   His father’s name was James (Jim).   As a little boy growing up in the small town of Gloucester NSW he would accompany his father all over town and the locals would always refer to his father and he as big Jim and little Jim.   Hence the name Jim, stuck and remained for life.

John Watson