Vale – 38305 SGT Robert ‘Bob’ Wesley Court – RAEME

It is with much sadness we advise of the passing of Robert “Bob” Wesley Court on 28 November 2022 aged 79.

Bob was a Recovery Mechanic and served in SVN 1Fd Regt RAA LAD 24/5/66 – 06/5/67.

Arte et Marte
Rest in Peace

Vietnam Veteran Details
Name: COURT, Robert Wesley
Service: Australian Army
Service Number: 38305
Date of Birth: 19 Jan 1943
Rank: Craftsman
National Service: No
Corps: Royal Corps of Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

Unit History
1st Field Regiment Light Aid Detachment: 24 May 1966 to 06 May 1967

Arte et Marte

Rest in Peace

Barry Shipway (Welfare Rep)

VALE: 5716153 KIM CHARLES THOMAS, A COY 6 RAR, 1969/70

Sadly, we have received the following from Barry Francis regarding Kim Charles THOMAS:

Hi all. Sadly more bad news. I received an Email today from Merrilyn Thomas, advising that my old platoon mate, Kim Thomas, passed away peacefully on the 23rd, in a Hospice in the Rockingham area in WA. Kim had been battling Oesophageal Cancer over the last year or so. I remember Kim, our platoon Sig, as a quiet, considerate and respectful person well-liked by all members of our platoon. Rest In Peace Kim. Another sad loss to our A Company Family and another good man gone far too soon.

Kim’s funeral details are as follows.  Mareena Purslowe Funerals,  6-8 Robinson Place Rockingham WA, on Thursday 1st December at 10am. Any of our A Coy family nearby are invited to attend.

Barry Francis

Funeral information is:  10am Thursday 1st December, Mareena Purslowe Funerals, 6-8 Robinson Place, Rockingham WA.

Condolences to Kim’s family and friends.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary

Vale R55696 Eric William Henderson – Navy

Sadly, I have been advised of the passing of Eric Henderson following a fall on Sunday.

There will be no funeral service, however, there will be a memorial service held for him on the 13th of December at the Kawana Surf Club.

Eric served on HMAS Quiberon – 1963 & HMAS Yarra 1966

Helen Kop

Funeral Notice: 38836 Ian James Leslie – RAA

A funeral for the late Ian (Blue) Leslie will be held on Tuesday the 22nd of November 2022 at the New Haven Crematorium Stapylton QLD 4207 at 1:00pm. A wake for Ian will be held at 2:00pm at the Woongoolba Bowls Club 342 Cabbage Tree Point Road Stieglitz. Ian was a regular Lance Bombardier Signaller serving alongside Forward Observer Captain John Phillips in Vietnam from April 1967 until March 1968.

Call sign 13 brought artillery fire down for C Company 7RAR. In the Battle of the Bunkers during Operation Coburg February 1968 is memorialized in the book written by GERARD WINDSOR titled “All Day Long The Noise of Battle”.  Ian Leslie was serving in a platoon backing up Captain John Phillips and Michael Williams MM.

Both John Phillips and Michael Williams MM have both sadly passed away and only Graeme Allen is the sole ex Gunner left of call sign 13.

RIP Ian Leslie

Peter Bruce, OAM

Obituary Resource Officer


Vale 5411264 Allan John Hutcheson – RAA

We have received advice of the death of Allan John Hutcheson on Saturday 19 November 2023. He was 77.  Hutch served two tours of Vietnam with 106 Field Battery as part of 4th Field Regiment. His first tour was May 1967 until April 1968 and his second tour was from January 1970 until February 1971. Hutch was a very popular member of the Battery and indeed the Regiment. A private cremation service will be held and a celebration of his life will be held later with details to follow when known.


RIP Allan  John Hutcheson



Peter Bruce, OAM

Obituary Resource Officer


Sadly, we have been informed that EDWARD (TED) MISKIEWICZ passed away on 16 Nov 22 from a heart attack.

Ted had undergone heart surgery on Monday 14th but did not recover.

Funeral information will be provided by email and on Facebook, when known.

Condolences to Ted’s family and friends.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary


This message is especially hard for me, as Graham Leslie (Mac) McLean was a mentor through my junior ranks and a lifelong friend.

Sadly, Graham Leslie (Macca/Mac) passed away this morning, 19 November 2022, after suffering dementia for several years, however, his family look on his passing as a blessing because dementia had taken him from them some years ago.

Mac served as a Company Clerk and Orderly Room SGT in 6 RAR and retired as a WO2 Chief Clerk in 1984.

Condolences to his wife Mary, daughter Toni, son Robert and their extended families.

Funeral information will be provided by email and on Facebook, when known.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary

Vale – NX169017 CFN Ivan George Garrett

It is with great sadness we advise of the passing of Ivan Garrett, late of Yamba NSW.

Ivan joined the army during WWII serving in the Australian armoured division for three years, including 10 months spent in Borneo before returning to Australia.

A funeral service for IVAN GARRETT (RAEME – WW2) was held at the Riverview Chapel, Yamba 11am Saturday 5th November.

Ivan was 101 years old.

Lest We Forget.

Barry Shipway (Welfare Rep)

Vale 2257862 Michael (Shorty) Rusden – 7RAR 1970-71

Reaching out for a veteran who never mentioned his Vietnam service

Calling on any veterans on the Gold Coast for help farewell one of my mates ex 7 RAR Vietnam 2nd tour Michael Rusden who was a loaner.

His daughter Katinka ask me did I know how many veterans with medals would come to the funeral service Southport Lawn Cemetery a spot chosen by his only daughter and husband and two little children for the service is Lawn 5b plot e-29

As Shorty Rusden was a recluse, I am putting this out there as no brother should go out on their own the service will be held Monday 21st Nov at 10 AM on sight under a large tree.

Another mate is gone, Rest in peace Michael.

Tony Scroope


[email protected]


Vale 55980 Robert (Bob) Sims – 4RAR

Warren Dowell has advised me of the passing of another of our members:

Death of 55980 Robert (Bob) Sims 11 Platoon Delta Coy , SVN ,Second Tour

Bob passed away on the 1st November 2022 in Western Australia.

Messages of condolence can be sent to Mrs Margaret Sims 58 Meloway Dr Maida Vale WA 6057 or

Email [email protected]

Bob’s Funeral Talk details are as follows:

It is on Saturday 19th November 2022 at 11.00am (Western Australian) time.

Zoom meeting Link.  222 000 2414
Pass code 2414



Wendy M McLean


4RAR Association Qld.Inc.