Vale 278961 Bruce James MANSFIELD RAE 17 Const sqn & 32 Small Ship Sqn SVN

Fellow Sappers and shipmates,,

It is with sadness that I advise of the passing of Bruce Mansfield on the 15th of July 23.

Bruce will be sadly missed at re-unions of the 32 small ship Sqn and 17 Const Sqn.

He was a shipmate with an enormous sense of humour with the rare skill of using himself as the joke teller as well as being his own straight man.

To his Family and Friends condolences are offered.

His funeral has been held and I apologise for the late notification.

My kindest regards at this sad time,

Hans-Joachim (John or Speedie) SAHARIV

Fellow Shipmate

VALE 216183 Corporal James (Jim) Harvath WILLIAMS 28 July 2023

It is in sadness and respect that I offer this Commemoration (attached) for Jim our fellow Sappers passing around 1300hrs yesterday.

To his family and friends Condolences are offered for a stalwart of the unit, one of those who set up on that beach in 1966 the unit we all ended up serving in in much more comfort.

Thanks to Jimmy and his cohort of those early years in country.

He had many a tale to tell, which kept us entertained in the years following the war, as we all have, about the ups-n-downs of that sandy place.

To his family and friends’ condolences are not enough (in my opinion) but, the thanks to them, for having Jim be a part of our lives also.

I first met Jim in country when serving on the LSM AV 1355 Vernon Sturdee. At that time, the De Long Pier was being constructed alongside the hard the Sturdee was beached.

The hammers were knocking in the massive pylons and shaking the innards out of our ship. I had a bitch to Jimmy about the rattle and noise, and he quickly offered to change units with me

and see if I would like the sandy beach side area of 55. Needless to say, I declined.  At our many meetings into later years, his first greetings to me were “Wanna swap Speedie”  (Aha! The truth is out!)

Aye, the lad from Birkenhead England,  will be sorely missed by us all!

I wish to thank Rod Bourke for his call yesterday afternoon with the sad news, and Mick Salienko our erstwhile Chief and 55 Custodian for his confirmation.

On a personal note, you may have not heard much from me in the past year or so, suffice to say, I have been unwell and through a heap of help from the medical fraternity, hospitals and last but not least,

DVA who have done so much to assist in my domestic and other et al issues.  I am on the mend and as Jimmy would say “bugger off Speedie get of your arse and live again” which I plan to do with some moral help and assistance from those who have persevered with me.

Might also add that I send my notices of this kind (and AM PLEASED TO CONTINUE WHERE I LEFT OFF) on to the Sapper Fraternity et all for their information.

My kindest regards at this sad time

Hans-Joachim (John or Speedie) SAHARIV

Funeral Details – Vic Lagettie

Update on Vic`s Funeral

East Maitland RSL sub Branch received  a request this afternoon From Fry Bros  to conduct a RSL tribute & Eulogy for Vic.

His Funeral will be held on Tuesday 1st August  at 11am at Fry Bros Funeral Chapel on the New England Highway Rutherford ( Maitland).

I will conduct the RSL Tribute and military service part of the service, it will be a privilege as a fellow veteran and member of the 173rd Airborne Association .


Neil Cromarty OAM

East Maitland RSL sub Branch

Secretary Chapter 11  173rd Airborne Association

Memorial Service: Katherine Louise Cowen (Murray) RAN

Katherine Louise Cowen (Murray) RAN. This is an updated notice of the late Katherine Louise Cowen (Murray) who was released into Gods hands 2 weeks ago and a low key funeral and wake services is as follows. Katherine’s life will be celebrated at Veterans Hub Australia, Rose Farm Lane Logan Village Queensland, with fellow veterans and family for light refreshments and gathering at 10:00am. At approximately 11;00am those who wish to attend the release of Katherine’s ashes at Moreton Bay, Redcliffe are welcome. It is requested that all serving and ex serving members wear their medals in honour of Katherine.
For further information please contact
Phillip Bond
Defence Advocate
Veterans Hub Australia
[email protected]

Vale: 212929 Victor John LAGETTIE – AACC

08 August 1939 – 21 July 2023

With a sad heart I advise that Vic Lagettie passed away yesterday at 1300hrs. Vic was a good mate and a larger-than-life character. He served in Vietnam with 1ALSC 1965-66 as a Sergeant cook and then again with 2RAR in Vietnam in 1970. During his career he also served as WO Caterer in 1RAR.

Vic was an inaugural member of the Down Under Chapter 11 of the 173d Airborne Brigade, US Army. When the Queensland Chapter 23 was formed in 1996 Vic was the inaugural president. His leadership style brought forward a strong social strength and built a camaraderie that remains the foundation of the Queensland Chapter today.

He had been unwell for a while now and talking to his wife, Helen, last night Vic is now at peace. He will be missed by all who knew him, particularly me.

I will advise funeral details when known.

Lest we forget




Sadly, we have received the news that Terrance Patrick MARTIN passed away on 2 July 2023 in Geelong Victoria.

Terrance served the full 2nd tour of Vietnam with 6 RAR 1969/70.

At the time of his death, Terrance was living in a home for homeless veterans run by the Victorian Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Federation of Australia.

VVFA is trying to arrange funeral funding through various sources (including DVA) but out of respect, will not be running a Go Fund Me page.

A Memorial Service will be held in Geelong during the 1st week of August 2023 – more information on the Funeral & Memorial Service was information is received.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan