Funeral Details – Neville (Splinter) Galbraith – RAA

Funeral details for the late Neville (Splinter) Galbraith are as follows:

Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at 10:00am.
Great Northern Garden of Remembrance
31 Tallowwood Drive,
Deception Bay Qld 4508.

No details of a Wake afterwards as yet.

Condolences can be sent to:
Mrs Laurel Raines and
Family of Neville ‘Splinter’ Galbraith
Care of
PO Box 465
Deception Bay Qld 4508

Peter Bruce, OAM
Obituary Resource Officer


Sadly, we have received word via Facebook, from Julie Black that her dad, Clem BLACK passed away on 13.3.23.   From Facebook:

Julie Black has informed us her Dad Clem Black passed away last night in the Mater hospital in Mackay…she is thankful that he passed peacefully and pain free. Condolences to  Julie and Amy and all the Black families.    Clem served with 6 RAR in Vietnam.

Funeral information will be provided by email and on Facebook, when known.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one, another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.

Please pray for our high number of deaths to slow, as we are losing far too many of our mates, across all eras of the Battalion.


Allan Whelan, Secretary


Sadly, we have received information on the passing of 3 of our mates:

  • SPRIGGS, Terence John – a drummer in the band and a platoon medic in D Coy in Vietnam 69/70 and in Singapore – passed away on 9.3.23
  • CAMPBELL, Brett (BA) – A Coy early to mid-1980s – passed away overnight on 13.3.23.   Brett has requested no funeral.
  • SMITH, Geoffrey Warren, ANTITANK PLATOON D Coy  1st Vietnam tour – passed away early Monday 13.3.23

Funeral information for Terence & Geoffrey will be passed on if or when we get info.

A sad day, condolences to Terence, Brett and Geoffrey’s family and friends – far too many of our mates are departing our ranks.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary


Sadly, we have received word that Norman (Normie) BROWN passed away on 28 February 2023 in Maryborough QLD.

Comments and Tribute received from Barry Francis:    I have just found out that 1734558, Norman Bernard Brown (Normie) passed away on February 28th in Maryborough QLD.  He had battled a severe case of Parkinson’s Disease. Norm was with CHQ  A Coy on the 69-70 tour of duty in Vietnam. He was cremated and had requested that there be no funeral service. RIP Norm and thank you mate, for the many nights of entertainment in the boozer. We will never forget you playing your guitar and singing.    Regards,  Barry Francis

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary

Vale 2789848, Pvt Brian Henry Mooney – 9RAR

Another sad passing.

Brian served with 6Pl, Bravo Coy, 9RAR, in South Vietnam during 1969.

I did Recruit and Infantry Corps training with Brian, at Singleton NSW, from when we were called up on 1 May 1968.  Then we were both posted to the Infantry Centre at Ingleburn, NSW.

Unfortunately, Brian received his notice that he was going to Vietnam before me, just a few days shy of Christmas 1968 – he arrived at ARU 23/12/1968.  He was a true character and great fun to be around.  RIP mate.

Cheers – Steve Nugent

9RAR Association (NSW) Treasurer.

Vale 216934 James Edward (Jimmy) Sprice, OAM – RAA

We have received advice of the death on 7 March 2023 of James Edward (Jimmy) Sprice, OAM. He was 80 years of age. Jim was a Regular Soldier who served in Vietnam with 108th Field Battery, 4th Field Regiment from June 1967 until May 1968. Jim served on in the ARA and was very active with his local RSL Sub-branch.

A Service for Jim is to be held at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Camden Valley Way, Leppington on Thursday 16 March 2023 at 10.00am followed by a Graveside Internment at 11.30am.

RIP Jimmy Sprice.

Peter Bruce, OAM
Obituary Resource Officer

Vale 16872 Neville Stanley (Splinter) Galbraith – RAA

We have received advice of the death on 6 March 2023 of Neville Stanley (Splinter) Galbraith. He was 78. Splinter served two tours of Vietnam with 105th Field Battery 1965-66 including at the Long Tan Battle, and 1969-70 including the Binh Ba Battle. Splinter also spent time with ‘A’ Field Battery in Vietnam. Splinter was a Regular Soldier and was one of the inaugural members of the 105th Battery Association.

No funeral details are available at this stage.

RIP Splinter Galbraith

Peter Bruce, OAM
Obituary Resource Officer

Vale: 1735769 Gunner Charles (Charlie) Douglas SCOTT – RAA

Charlie Scott passed away unexpectedly while on holiday in Townsville from Cairns on the 5th of January 2023. He had contracted Covid the previous month, which he appeared to get over, but some symptoms lingered.

Born at Home Hill Qld on 05 September 1948, Charlie, a National Serviceman, served with 107 Battery as the Battery Commanders signaller both in Townsville and South Vietnam. His tour of duty in South Vietnam was 07 May 1970 to 05 May 1971. Charlie was a life subscriber and proud member of the 107 Battery Association.

Hilton Lenard

107 Battery Association –


VALE: 183998 Dallas William BAKER – D/SPT COY 1986-1992

Sadly, we have received the news that Dallas William BAKER passed away on 21 Feb 2023, cause and location of death is unknown.

Dallas did his IET’s in the Battalion and after IET’s served in D & Spt Coys, 24 June 1986 to 29 January 1992.

A small service for close friends and family was held on Saturday the 25th of February 2023.

Sorry for the delay in letting everyone know of Dallas’s passing – it took time to put the information together.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary

Vale: 218408 Robert Geoffrey George – 9RAR 1968-69

I received a very disturbing call from one of our beloved NOK, Carol Rogers (nee George) yesterday, the details of which are in the email below. For context, two George brothers served with us in Vietnam, Barry and Bobby. Barry in A2 and Bob in C Coy. Sadly Barry was KIA in April 1969. Bobby came home but served a lifetime with a military career in which he attained the highest rank possible for an NCO, that of RSM of the Army. Inexplicably, he died and was buried without the knowledge of his sisters or his military family. He deserved better.

Carol’s email states:

Hi Doug,

Nice to speak to you yesterday Sadly Bob passed away 20.2.23 from a heart attack and was buried at Mt Gravatt cemetery yesterday.

Neither my sister Lyn nor I, his only living relatives, were informed of his passing. Bob was a volunteer at Jimboomba RSL in QLD but they also did not contact us, telling a neighbour it was too hard to find his relatives.

I have asked the President to call me this morning. I also have concerns about where his medals are and will keep you posted as they are located. Bob’s wife Bev has had health issues over the years and has an impaired capacity to remain living on her own.

Bob was not buried in the Returned Soldiers Section of the cemetery and did not receive a Military funeral which is devastating for Lyn and I after the service he gave to his country and the dreadful effect Vietnam had on our entire family with losing Barry in 1969 and the health issues for Bob.

Please inform the Vets of Bob’s passing and I will be in contact when all is sorted out with his solicitor etc.

Love to you and the men of 9 RAR

Carol Rogers Further info on Bobby George from Mick Mummery:

G’day Doug, More on Bob George, yes his brother was KIA while serving with A Coy and yes Bob did come home at the request of his mother and as was the practice of the day. However, Bob fought to be allowed to return to C Coy and did so, returning to spend the rest of our tour with us returning home again on HMAS Sydney. Bob served under Laurie Lewis as the Comd RSM in Adelaide 1986-7 or thereabouts. Bob was one of my soldiers in 7 Pl whilst we were in Woodside. The last time I saw him was in Brisbane during the Last Bn reunion there in about 2012. A fine soldier, he will be missed by many. Regards Mick