Vale Robert (Bobby) Lominga

Vale Robert (Bobby) Lominga

It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Bobby Lominga on Easter Sunday.

The funeral details are:

Monday 17th April 11:30am

Tweed Crematorium Chapel

176 Kirkwood Rd, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486

Dress code: Coat and medals

Belinda McIntosh

Office Manager

Tweed Heads and Coolangatta RSL Sub-Branch


Sadly, we have received news that Gary COLLINS, A Coy 6 RAR Townsville & Singapore passed away on Thursday 6 April 2023.

Funeral information is:
Time/Date: 1.30pm Tuesday 18 April 2023
Location:  St John the Evangelist Catholic Church, 35 Cordeaux St, Campbelltown NSW 2560
Live Stream: Unknown

Sincere Condolences to Gary’s family and friends.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.

Allan Whelan, Secretary

Vale 1731922 Robert Willem Retrot – RAA

We have received advice of the death on 27 March 2023 of Robert Willem (Bob) Retrot. He was 77. Bob was a 4th intake National Serviceman who served with the Detachment, 131 Divisional Locating Battery in Vietnam from May 1967 until January 1968. He was mainly employed in Listening Posts. A funeral for Bob is to be held at Centenary Memorial Gardens Cemetery and Crematorium
353 Wacol Station Rd, Sumner QLD at 2.00pm on Friday 14 April 2023.

RIP Robert Willem Retrot.

Peter Bruce, OAM
Obituary Resource Officer

VALE: 1201707 Ronald Graham MADDOCKS, D COY 6 RAR 69/70

Sadly, we have received the following information via Facebook last week, but haven’t received any further info:

From Dan Maddocks (son):   Hi All…. Just wanted to post & advise with a heavy heart that our amazing father Ron Maddocks 6 RAR Delta Coy Vietnam (69-70) crossed over on Tuesday 28th March 2023.    Our Dad has been battling & suffering with Fibrosis throughout his lungs for many years and it finally took him on Tuesday afternoon.    He crossed over peacefully at home with our Stepmum with him.
We are so proud of him & other Veterans that served in Vietnam & other conflicts for our country.
Vale Dad !!! We will always love you & never forget you!!! You are forever in our hearts!!!
Missing you so much, Love Dan & Keely

Funeral information will be provided by email and on Facebook when received.

Condolences to the family and friends.   Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary

Vale 15265, 311229 Sgt James “Jock” Bennett LINDSAY

Ross Eastgate’s reflections.

Jock passed away on 29 March 2023 in Brisbane, aged 92.

He served in Korea with 3RAR 12 Jul 1953 to 06 Sep 1954.

He served in Malaya with 1RAR during The Emergency.

He was the Pioneer Sgt in 2 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Bn in South Vietnam 7 May 1967 – 21 May 1968.

In the early 1970s he was at the PNGDF Training Depot at Goldie River.

Born in Ayrshire, Scotland he had a brogue you could cut with a chainsaw.

He also had a wicked sense of fun.

In 1973-1974 I was a newish RMC graduate posted to Goldie Rive as the Instructor Signals.

The Army reintroduced the Bren LMG recalibred to 7.62mm as an interim section support weapon.

WO2 Merv Kirby (1RAR Malaya and Vietnam) was tasked with teaching the subbies to shoot the weapon.

He served with 1 Sect, 1 Platoon A coy 1RAR in Malaya, and was given the task by LTCOL Digger Campbell MC, a company commander with 1RAR in Malaya and in Vietnam, first tour..

Merv had been an infantry instructor and my shooting coach at Duntroon, and was a mate, as much as a new lieutenant formerly RMC cadet and a crusty infantry warrant officer could be mates.

Jock Lindsay took me aside and mentioned that Merv, the section Bren gunner, had lost the Bren when their canoe overturned while returning from patrol, had nearly drowned trying to hang on to it, and was super embarrassed about the incident.

Before I went to Duntroon, I had been CQMS of my school cadet unit, responsible at age 16 for the school armoury of about 400 weapons, including .303 Lee Enfield rifles and Bren guns.

I was pretty familiar with both weapons.

Before Merv started the lesson, I politely asked if I could first look at one, and Merv allowed his favourite subby to strip the weapon and put it back together in about a minute, before firing the action (last step) and jumping to my feet.

“Well done Sir!” an obviously impressed but not really surprised Merv said.

“Not only that Mr Kirby,” I responded, “But I’ve never lost one!”

“Get off my range Sir!”, he said, and took a lot of apologising to calm him down.

“Wait till I see that traitorous little Scotsman!” was the second last word in the incident.

“Digger” Campbell, although amused, had the last word.

He gave me two extras for unwarranted cruelty.

Merv and I served together again when he was RSM Canungra, but that’s some other stories.

He was killed when the driver of another car fell asleep and drove into him.

Valhalla will be a grand place at the moment.

Vale 13187 WO1 Dudley Cecil Victor Pye, AO

I just want to advise you of the passing of Warrant Officer Class One Dudley Cecil Victor Pye AO on Sunday 2nd April 2023. There will be no funeral as per his request however, a memorial service will take place at a later date.


Service No: 13187

Rank on Discharge: WO1

Name: Dudley Cecil Victor Pye AO

Corps: Australian Army Catering Corps

DOB: 19 June 1934

DOD: 2 April 2023

Operations: Korean Veteran 3 RAR

31 December 1953 – 9 November 1954


Mick Pye


It is with great sadness that I advise you that Digby Lawrence’s Wife Josephine (Jo) passed away this morning at 6.30am after a long illness. She is going to missed by all who knew her.

Funeral details will be forwarded at a later date.

Condolences may be sent to:

Mr. D. Lawrence

Unit85/52 University Way,

Sippy Downs Qld 4556  


Wendy M McLean


4RAR Association Qld Inc.

Vale 15265, 311229 Sgt James “Jock” Bennett LINDSAY

Jock passed away on 29 March 2023 in Brisbane, aged 92.

He was the Pioneer Sgt in 2 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Bn in South Vietnam 7 May 1967 – 21 May 1968

Jock’s funeral is to be held at 10.30am on Tuesday, 18 April 2023 at the Garden Chapel, Albany Creek Memorial Park & Crematorium, 400 Albany Creek Rd, Bridgeman Downs QLD.

Jock’s Army mates are most welcome to attend.

Lest We Forget

Rick Avery

VALE: 2781935 Hilton John (Jock/Joe) DOLSEN, 3 PL 1966/67

We have received the following information from David Buckwalter:

From David Buckwalter:     I have just been advised that Jock Dolsen, passed away on the 24 th of March. Scott his son is leasing with me on arrangements for Jock’s funeral.

Jock was a great mate who served in 3 Platoon with me. Jock joined 6 RAR immediately after recruit training in 1965. Trained with the battalion, went to Vietnam with the battalion and drank no less beers than anyone else. We won’t forget him. The smile on his face was typical and what I will always remember.

The funeral will be held on Tuesday the 11 th of April (that’s the day after easter) at 1400 hrs at Palmdale Lawn Cemetery, Palmdale Road, Palmdale, on the central coast a few minutes drive from the highway at Ourimbah.  A Live Stream can be viewed at: – scroll down the page until you find Hilton John (Joe) DOLSEN and click on the ink.

A wake will be held at the local RSL immediately after the service. More details will be advised as they come to hand.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary