VALE 680071 CPL Christopher Reeves Allen

07 May 1974 – 19 January 2023

It is with sadness that I pass on that Christopher Allen passed away in a vehicle accident on  Thursday 19 January 2023 in Drake NSW. Chris served in the battalion from 1995 through to 2001 deploying to East Timor with INTERFET, he was in B Coy and Spt Coy.

Chris joined the Army in 1992 serving. with 8/9 RAR, 2 RAR and finishing in 2004 with 4 RAR/2 CDO REGT.

Details of his funeral and service will be passed on when known.


Vale 2793137 WO2 Robert (Snoopy) Reed – 8RAR 1970-71

I have a sad duty to report the death and funeral of my mate.

Please be advised that the funeral for WO2 Robert (Snoopy) Reed,  8RAR SVN and RACT Frt Handler WO will be held at Gin Gin cemetery in Qld on Monday the 13th February 2023 at 10:00am local time.

Medals are to be worn for all veterans attending. If we can get the ceremony streamed, we will advise.

Snoopy was tragically killed in a car accident near Gin Gin on the 13TH Jan 2023.

His sole surviving family member is Scott Reed and he has requested that Dad’s mates come along to farewell him.

Peter McNamara


Word has just come through from the 2/14 Light Horse Regiment advising of the passing this morning of Ray De Vere MC, OAM.

Further information will be forwarded as it comes to hand.

May rest in peace – Lest we forget.


Sadly, we have received news from Peter’s wife, Marianne, that Peter John PHILLIPS has passed away.

Basic funeral details (at this time) are Monday 6th February 2023 @ 14-30 – full details & location will be provided when known.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary

VALE: Donald ‘Don’ Stewart Willey – ex A Coy 6RAR

Sadly, we have been informed that Donald (Don) WILLEY, who served in A Coy in the mid 1970’s, passed from cancer in July 2022 at the age of 73.

In recent years, Don was an active member of 11th Light Horse Troop Toowoomba.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary

Vale – 5794 MAJ Geoffrey John Hawker (Rtd)

Our Corps lost another legend, Major Geoffrey John Hawker (ret’d).

Geoff was a 1st class Appy whose hand I was proud to shake on ANZAC Day 2018 when over 700 Appys of all eras gathered at the Australian War Memorial for the School’s 70th anniversary. He was one of the gentlemen who laid the foundations upon which all tradesmen who followed stand.

Geoff had numerous other postings during his career, including as the ASM of Metal Trades Wing at AAS. He was highly-respected in all roles.

Geoff’s wife, Margaret, advised that he passed away at Epworth Eastern Hospital in Melbourne.

Funeral details will be promulgated when known.

Stand down, Geoff. Your duty is done

Arte et Marte
Rest in Peace

John Gibbins

Vale 424960 Major Andrew Michael BEARD, RAInf and RAE

I have been advised of the passing of Maj Andrew (Andy)BEARD a younger member of our cohort.

Andrew enlisted into the Infantry and went on to be selected to the Officer Cadet School at Portsea

and graduated with the rank of Second Lieutenant in December 1979. He transferred to the RAE.

and served the Corps in varying postings including the SO2(Works), South Queensland Logistics Group.

Andy died in Victoria on 21 January 2023 after a battle with a long illness.

A highly respected officer and a great mate to his cohort.

To his family and friends, condolences are offered, he is at peace now and no longer suffering is pain.

I thank John Pritchard, Paul Asbury, and Mark Heinrich for the information on this sad event.

My kindest regards at this sad time.

John Sahariv

Fellow Sapper



Sadly, we have received news via Facebook that Michael (Moot) Allen DENCH passed away on Friday 20 Jan 2023.

Michael served with 6 RAR 12 Dec 66 to 28 May 67.

Michael was awarded the Military Medal for actions with 5 RAR in February 1969.

Funeral information will be provided by email and on Facebook, when known.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary

Vale 2787424 John Paul Ianson – RAA

We have received advice of the death recently of John Paul Ianson. He was 77. John was a National Serviceman who served in Vietnam with the Detachment 131st Divisional Locating Battery from April 1968 until April 1969. John died in Thailand after a heart attack.

RIP John Paul Ianson

Peter Bruce, OAM

Obituary Resource Officer