Sadly, we have just been informed that Marty Price passed away unexpectedly overnight.   Marty had been admitted to hospital with eye problems and was found to have advanced Liver disease that was shutting down his body.

I knew Marty from my days in 6 RAR, 1977 onwards and I know he was back in 6 RAR during the 1st tour of East Timor in 2000, as I met him at the Brisbane airport when he was returning to Timor after some R&R.   I think that might have been the last time I saw him, but only spoke to him by phone earlier this year.

Marty’s funeral is at 11.30am Thursday 4 August 2022 at the Tweed Crematorium, 176 Kirkwood Road, South Tweed Heads,

It is unknown if the Service will be lived streamed.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Association Secretary

Wake Details: John Shields

A wake for John Shields will be held on Monday 1st August 2022 at 1.00pm at the Royal Hotel, Victoria Street, Kerang, Victoria.

Kerang is 280Kms north of Melbourne, just 25Kms south of the Murray River.


From CO 6 RAR, LTCOL Richard Niessl:

Very sadly, CPL Nik Helle-Broe died on Tue 19 Jul 22. He was a very highly regarded and much loved member of the 6th Battalion. CPL Helle-Broe left behind a partner and young son. 6 RAR with the support of 7 Bde units, DFMS, S&EG and Garrison Units will hold a Military Funeral for CPL Helle-Broe on Fri 29 Jul 22. The funeral will be held at the Australian Army Band Brisbane Music Bowl on the NW side of Duncan Oval.


  • Family and friends viewing will occur in the Army Band music rooms from 1000h.
  • All military members and guests are requested to be in place NB 1145h at the Music Bowl.
  • Following the funeral, a Battalion Honour Guard will be established along Harlock Drive on the northside of Duncan Oval.
  • The Wake will then follow and will be held in the 6 RAR DKVC Club.

The Association President and Secretary will represent the 6 RAR Association at the funeral.   As usual access to the Barracks will be limited and during this sad time for the Battalion, we’d prefer to keep attendance to those who are already approved to enter the Barracks – 6 RAR will be very busy from now until after the funeral and we don’t want to bog them down with having to arrange Barracks access.   I’m sure members will understand my request.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan, Secretary 6 RAR Association


It’s with much sadness that I inform you of the passing of Ken “IRISH” Shelley last Friday. Irish served in 1 RAR from 2005 until 2009 and was CQMS D Coy

Our deepest condolences go to Ken’s family, friends and all those who served with him.

Funeral details will be provided once known

Rest In Peace Ken

Vale: 2793232 John Edward Shields – 2RAR

It is with sadness that I advise of the passing of 2793232 John Shields. John passed away today 24th July 2022 at 6.00am AET of natural causes.

John Edward Shields was born at Griffith NSW on 22nd July 1948. He served in SVN with 9PL C Coy 2RAR from 17/5/70 to 1/6/71, a total of 381 days. He was a regular at Charlie Company Reunions and always seem to enjoy himself.

John had requested that no funeral be held, a memorial service will be held at a later date, and details will be forwarded when known.


Geoff Daly

Funeral Details: 2791471 Neville Thomas RHODES – 5 RAR

His funeral is to be held at the Young Lawn Cemetery, NSW, on Thursday 28th of July at 11:00AM.

They would very much like to have members of 5 RAR attend (if possible) the funeral and if doing so please wear medals.

The Funeral Directors are Paterson Bros and further details are on their website.


Gary Townsend

5 RARA Membership Officer/Tiger Tales Editor


27 January 1947 – 19 July 2022

PTE Barry ‘Spike’ Pemberton died on Tuesday 19 July, in the Norwest Private Hospital, due to a cardiac problem, in recent times he had not been travelling well for quite a long period.

Barry enlisted in March 1964, did Recruit Training with 1 RTB, Corps Training with Infantry Centre and then joined 2 RAR. In January 1966 he was transferred to 5 RAR and deployed to South Vietnam on 6 May, Barry completed the Battalion’s full 1966-67 Tour of Duty. He served in Admin Company, as a member of the band, but on operations or patrols, he operated as a stretcher-bearer for Bravo Company. Barry later served with the Armoured Corps Band and took discharge in March 1970.

At this stage, we have no funeral details or a photo of Barry.



Gary Townsend

5 RARA Membership Officer/Tiger Tales Editor

Vale: Mervyn LENNON – RAA

We have received advice of the death recently of Mervyn LENNON. Mervyn initially served in 101 Battery and moved to 110 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery in 1965. He served in Malaya with that Battery from 1966 until 1969. On return to Australia, Mervyn was posted as an instructor at Puckapunyal followed by a posting to 4 Field Regiment. Mervyn was 89. No funeral details are available at this stage.

RIP Mervyn Lennon.

Peter Bruce, OAM

Obituary Resource Officer

Vale: 2791471 Neville Thomas RHODES – 5RAR

17 February 1948 – 19 July 2022

PTE Neville Rhodes passed on the morning of Tuesday 19 July, he had been suffering for some time.

Neville, was conscripted in January 1969, started his Recruit Training at 1 RTB Kapooka, he then transferred to 3 TB (Inf Corps Wing) for his infantry training. He joined Infantry Centre (Reo Wing) until deploying to 1 ARU Vietnam (SVN) on 3 September. On 1 October he joined 11 Platoon, D Company, 5 RAR and there served until the Battalion returned to Australia in February 1970. Neville completed his tour of SVN with 8 RAR and RTA’ed in September 1970.

No funeral details are available at this stage.


Gary Townsend

5 RARA Membership Officer/Tiger Tales Editor

Vale: 3791139 Roger DIKES – 3RAR

There will be an RSL Service for Roger Dikes on Friday, this week, 22nd July at the Springvale Cemetery in Melbourne – Victoria.

Roger served in Vietnam for 375 days between 20th December 1967 and 28th December 1968.

Service Number  3791139 – 3rd Battalion – The Royal Australian Regiment.



John C. Saunders                             


Clayton RSL Sub-Branch Inc. & Region 2 Forum