We have been advised of the death on 22 June 2022 of 215827 2LT Barry James Dean.
Barry served with 103 Field Battery in Vietnam from May to December 1966. He was 80.
RIP Barry James Dean
Peter Bruce
Obituary Resource Officer
We have been advised of the death on 22 June 2022 of 215827 2LT Barry James Dean.
Barry served with 103 Field Battery in Vietnam from May to December 1966. He was 80.
RIP Barry James Dean
Peter Bruce
Obituary Resource Officer
The funeral service for Ken Simons will be held at One Hope Baptist Church, 4-32 PROVINCE BLVD, HIGHTON Vic 3216, on Monday July 4 at 14.00 hours.
This will be an RSL service will be conducted by the Vietnam Veterans Association president and medals and citations should be worn.
For those wishing to attend but not familiar with this area, I suggest you take the freeway that bypasses Geelong and exit to your Left onto Barrabool Road (be on tac as it is easy to miss it) which is the exit after the Hamilton Road one.
Follow this down to Scenic Drive and turn left. as you do you will then have a cemetery and Uniting Church on your right. Continue along Scenic Drive and turn Left into Province Blvd and the Baptist Church will be on your right not long after you make that turn.
Hope to see as many as possible to farewell one of our own.
John Arnold
Sad news from John Arnold
Gentlemen and Ladies, I had a call this morning from Dawn Simons to tell me that Ken passed away yesterday, June 22, 2022.
She has asked me to forward this information as she is not up to it herself at this time. He had been suffering an infection for the past two weeks that the doctors were unable to counter, and his system just could not handle this battle after the battles he has won over the past six years.
As it is too early for any details, I will send arrangements when Dawn gives them to me.
Ken served in 8pl Charlie Company, 1RAR and was a strong supporter of all C Coy and 1RAR reunions he was extremely well respected and will be missed but never forgotten.
Sadly, we have just been informed that Geoffrey Raymond (Butch) Mathew passed away on 20.4.22.
Just letting you know that Butch, 61322 Geoffrey Raymond Mathew, PTE passed away on the 20th April 2022. Butch died at the age of 81 of metastatic Prostate Cancer & kidney failure. His family & friends gave him a wonderful send off at Boyne Tannum memorial parkland, Gladstone Qld. Very sorry we haven’t informed you until now.
Lest We Forget
Kind regards, Mrs Jan Mathew
Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one. Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.
Allan Whelan, Secretary
Sadly, we have been informed that Bevan Aubrey LINGWOODOCK, has passed away in Townsville.
Bevan’s funeral is at 1pm Friday 1 July 2022 at Morleys Funerals, 2 MARTINEZ AVENUE, WEST END TOWNSVILLE Queensland 4810, Phone: (07) 4779 4744.
Please join us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one. Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.
It is with much sadness that I advise of the following who have crossed the bar in the past few days:
Captain Simon Woolrych RAN Rtd. Simon was an extremely well-known and respected member of the RAN, particularly as a PWO, Commanding Officer and later as a Project Director in Navy Office Canberra. Whilst I did not serve with Simon, I did know him socially and had the highest respect for him as an officer and a gentleman.
WOSV Peter Fockhart RAN Rtd. Until earlier this year Peter ran an email network similar to mine and, although we had not served together, we had become well known to one another. He contacted me a while ago saying that he was being admitted to hospital and would be off the air for some time and further, that if it all turned out OK, he would be back on the air in due course. Sadly, that will not now happen. There has been a further complication in that his son Adam passed away within three hours of Peter. The family must be somewhat devastated.
Theo Bushe-Jones. I certainly knew Theo who, at age 92 (approx.) was a member of our local DVA sponsored gym group. Sprightly and well regarded, I believe that Theo was a mainstay in the building of the Fleet Air Arm Association. I believe he retired from the RAN Fleet Air Arm as a Chief Petty Officer in the days long before the Navy adopted the current form of Warrant Officer Rank. Theo was also a well-respected member of the Naval Association, City of Perth Sub Branch.
Ron Privilege. I have yet to have received any detail on Ron other than to say that he was well regarded in the Naval Association, Perth North Sub Branch.
Funeral and or memorial services will be advised when known.
A sad day for the families and the Navy and its retirees
Bob Mummery
Last unit served 104 Fd Wksp RPS.
Past President of the RAAOC Association (Qld Div)
Funeral service 2 PM Monday 20th June
Lakeview Chapel Albany Creek Memorial Gardens
400 Albany Creek Road Bridgeman Downs, Brisbane
Following a long illness, Paul died in WA on 13 June 2022 with his family by his side.
A much-valued officer and gentleman who will be missed by many. Paul was such a wonderful colleague, sportsman and officer. Further details when they are available.
25 Nov 1924 – 10 Jun 2022
Among the super true blues
George Mansford