VALE: Morris Glenn Dempster – RAE

Morris Glenn (Morrie) Dempster, 60 years of age, passed away on 27 March 2022 from renal failure. Morrie had been unwell for many years but battled hard to be there for his family. Over the last few months, Morrie’s health had deteriorated and sadly, he passed away peacefully in Townsville with his family by his side. Morrie had a full life and achieved many things; he was a well-respected soldier achieving the rank of Sergeant in the Royal Australian Artillery, business owner of Tandy electronic store, long-distance truck driver, Race Course Operations Manager and finally a Manager of a Defence Force Training Area. Morrie had made the decision that his quality of life was more important than quantity and decided to stop dialysis in order to pass away on his terms.

Funeral details TBA. Messages of condolences can be passed to Ian Kilgour [email protected]  or SMS to 0431 696 749  who will pass to the family.

RIP Morris Glenn Dempster

Peter Bruce

Vale: 54454 Thomas Henry Cross – 1RAR & 9RAR

I have been advised of the death of Tommy Cross on 23 March 22 following a long illness. Tommy served in 1RAR 1965-66 and in 9RAR in 1968-69. He was awarded a M.I.D. for his actions in Vietnam.

At this stage his funeral will be in Grafton on 2nd April, more detail will follow.


I have been informed that Slim’s Funeral Service will be conducted at 3pm (QLD Time) on Monday the 28th of March 2022 by Integrity Funerals at 18 Tonga Place, PARKWOOD.

There will be a get-together after the Service at the Runnerway Bay Leagues Club.
Members intending to attend Slim’s Funeral are requested to contact President Linton on [email protected] for catering.
Many thanks, I hope we can have as many members as possible attend to give our old mate a good send-off.

FUNERAL DETAILS – 16899 Jeffrey Norman BRANDON

Humble apologies for any confusion about the funeral details. (I was a grunt).

Please pass on to all. Many thx.

The funeral service will be at the date and time stated:

1300, Mon 28 March 2022 –  Nambour Qld.

Some confusion has been caused by the reference to the live stream log in details, which will hopefully be aval on Thursday, 24 March 2022.


Funeral Service details for 16899 Jeffrey Norman Brandon.

Location: Gregson & Weight – 34 National Park Road, NAMBOUR Q. 4560

  1. 07 54762866

Start Time: 1300, Mon 28 March 2022.

Medals to be worn.

There will be a live stream. More log in etc details hopefully on that Thu 24/3.

Roger Wickham

  1. 0406 689531



Roger Wickham has advised me that 16899 Jeffrey Brandon Passed away on the 17th March 2022.

His funeral is being held at Gregson & Weight Funeral Home

                                              34 National Park Road

                                              Nambour Qld 4560

                                             T: 07 5476 2866

Commencing at 1300, Monday 24th March 2022

Medals to be Worn

There will be a live stream. More log in etc details hopefully on that Thu 24/3.

 Roger Wickham

  1. 0406 689531

 Condolences May be sent to:

Ms Lepe Andononovska

96 Flaxton Mill Road,


FUNERAL DETAILS – 16899 Jeffrey Norman BRANDON

Funeral Service details for 16899 Jeffrey Norman Brandon.

Location: Gregson & Weight – 34 National Park Road, NAMBOUR Q. 4560

  1. 07 54762866

Start Time: 1300, Mon 28 March 2022.

Medals to be worn.

There will be a live stream. More log in etc details hopefully on that Thu 24/3.

Roger Wickham

  1. 0406 689531

Funeral Service for Jeff Seymour

Advice has been received regarding a funeral service for the late Jeff Seymour. His service will be held on Thursday 17 March at 1300 hours at Magnolia Chapel, Macquarie Park Cemetery and Crematorium, Corner Delhi and Plessey Roads, North Ryde. No Wake details are available but would likely be in the  Kirribilli/McMahons Point area.

Vale: 1731418 Jeffree Silvester Seymour

Brigadier Gerry Warner has advised of the death over the weekend 5/6 March 2022 of Major Jeffree Silvester (Jeff) Seymour. Jeff was a graduate of Hawkesbury Agricultural College and was commissioned into the RAA from an early Scheyville OTU course.  His postings included AGWTU at Woomera, 1st Australian Civil Affairs Unit in SVN from June 1971 until May 1972, 16 Air Defence Regiment (HQ Bty in 1972, BK 111 Bty in 1973), 4Fd Regt, UNTSO in Syria and GLO in Butterworth, Malaysia. In later years he ran a newsagency on the North Shore of Sydney and was active with the museum at North Head for some years.


Peter Bruce