1202102 Andrew (Andy) S. Turner – 9RAR

Received sad news today from Alex Turner – son of Andy, that his Dad passed away last Thursday. For some years now, Andy has had ongoing medical issues to which he has finally succumbed.  Andy came to Assault-Platoon 9RAR as a reinforcement on 30 July 1969.

Before 9RAR he had served with Headquarters Australian Force Vietnam (HQ AFV) and 1st Australian Reinforcement Unit (1ARU)

A celebration of his life will be held at 1030hr, Tuesday, 27 January at Gympie Funerals, 236 Brisbane Rd., Monkland (GYMPIE)  QLD 4570 and later at Gympie RSL Club

Rod (Slats) Slater

WO2 Bernie Trapp

We have been advised by Peter Lonergan of the death recently of ex WO2 Bernie Trapp. Bernie spent most of his CMF/Army Reserve time with the 11th Field Regiment and in particular, 41 Battery on the Gold Coast. He was the Battery Guide of that Battery in the mid-60s.

In his civilian life, Bernie worked for Carl Robertson Ford in Southport before moving to Warwick in 1975 and setting up his own bearing shop with a mate.  In his own words, “ he made a killing.” This move caused Bernie to transfer to 25 Bn RQR HQ in Toowoomba with a rifle company at Warwick. We do not know how long he served in 25Bn. He did say that as an ex Arty WO2, he was like a square peg in a round hole.

RIP Bernie Trapp.

Peter Bruce



Please see details below, Peter served in 1 RAR 1959-1964

The funeral service is to be held at Lakeview Chapel, Memorial Park, 400 Albany Creek Road, Bridgeman Downs. Monday 24th January, 11am.

Refreshments, Albany Creek, tea room 12.15pm

Wake, Bonny View Hotel, 2077 Gympie Road, Bald Hills. from 1pm

Family Notice will be in next Tuesday’s, 18 January 2022, issue of the Courier Mail.

15374 Peter Lawrence Healy was born at Sandgate Queensland on 29 August 1940.

He served in two (2) tours of Vietnam – 15 June 1966 to 27 January 1967 with 3rd Special Air Service Regiment and from 17 November 1969 to 23 February 1970 with C Company 8RAR. Peter also served with 8RAR in Malaysia 1967 to 1969.



Maurice (Mick) Roberts ALCOCK – S/8660 Supply Assistant

From William L Krause

Mick Alcock (24/6/1925 – 16/01/2022) passed away this morning, he was over 96yrs old. Until recent times he was still driving and cheerful, he developed a brain tumour which took his life.

Mick served on HMAS Vendetta (D069) as a Supply Assistant during 1945 while the ship served in New Guinea waters and went on to be part of the HMAS Vendetta (D069) decommissioning crew.

To the best of our knowledge, Mick was the last surviving crew member of HMAS Vendetta (D069).

Mick served in the Royal Australian Navy from 08/06/1943 – 16/08/1946.

Mick has taken his final voyage across the bar; his watches are done, and he may now rest easy with his shipmates.   Fair winds and calm seas.

Brain Mann – 5/7 RAR

From Mark Richard Wallace

Tragic news Brian Mann’s passed away today by heart attack today at Caboolture while mowing the lawn.

Brian was a member who served with 5/7 RAR and SOI Singleton, he will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

The sincerest of condolences and prayers go out to his family and friends.

RIP Brian Stand Down your duty is done.


18286 Barry Alexander Wynne – 17 Const Sqn SVN

It is with sadness I advise the passing of Sgt Barry Wynne. Barry died from a massive heart attack on 1 December 21. He had a stroke several years ago and had been disabled since.

Barry was serving in 17 Const Sqn SVN during the final days of the unit being sent home to Australia at the end of its many years in the Country.

16567 Sgt Ronald (Ron) Meredith – RAE

Ron Meredith passed away on the 11th January as the result of a heart attack.

He will be sadly missed by his family and friends.

Condolences to his Daughter Christine, the family and friends, he is at peace and no doubt exchanging stories with old comrade’s past

I thank the Qld Sappers Assoc, Jethro Thompson and Ron’s daughter for passing on the sad news.


54548 Francis Adrian Roberts MG MID OAM – 1APC SQN

Francis Adrian Roberts MG MID OAM died on 29 December 2021 in Canberra. He was awarded his honours as a result of the Battle of Long Tan.

Adrian lead the APCs of 1st Armoured Personnel Carrier Squadron to the battle site on the day


A Service is currently set to commence at 1pm on Friday 28 January at Holy Trinity church Strangways Street Curtin ACT followed by the interment at the Woden Cemetery.

For anyone in Western Australia a function room has been booked at the Duxton Hotel 1 St Georges Terrace Perth where the service and interment will be projected onto large screens, and this will be followed by refreshments and the opportunity to raise a glass. Adrian’s family are all from WA and all are welcome to celebrate his life. FYI – There are no current gathering restrictions in WA

The room will be opened at 9am WA time and all guests are required to show proof of vaccination in accordance with WA requirements.

3797269 Robert John Ford (‘Fordy’) – 7RAR SVN 2nd Tour.

A Memorial Service is to be conducted for “Fordy” in lieu of a funeral, which was hampered by COVID at the Wahgunyah Cenotaph at 11:00am on Friday 14 Jan. After which refreshments and nibbles at the Adjoining Empire Hotel.

Medals to be worn, please.

Wahgunyah is 298 kilometres northeast of Melbourne and 51 kilometres west of Albury / Wodonga.

Funeral details – Adrian Roberts MG OAM

As previously advised, Adrian Roberts MG OAM, passed away on the 29th December 2021.

Adrian’s family has now advised that it is now hoped that Adrian’s funeral will occur on the 28th January 2022 at 1300hrs at Holy Trinity Church, 18-20 Theodore St, Curtin ACT.

This will be followed by the interment at Woden Cemetery.

As the COVID situation is constantly changing, the funeral and the interment will be live-streamed.  Connection details for this will be forwarded when known.

Medals may be worn.