172318 Albert John (Bert) Ollerenshaw

It is with a heavy heart that I have to advise that Albert John (Bert) Ollerenshaw, WO1, SN 172318, passed away on Friday, 10 December 2021 after a long illness.

Bert was 3rd Intake, National Service, in 1953. He enlisted with 28 Fd Pk Sqn and eventually gained the rank of WO1 as Chief Clerk, 5 Fd Engr Regt, (at Kelvin Grove)

before it disbanded around 1985. Bert was a well-known member of our Corps.

His Family have advised his funeral will be held on Monday, 20 December 2021 commencing at 3.30pm at Mt Thompson Crematorium.

There will be an RSL Poppy Service. Attendees will be required to “sign-in “ with the QR Code and Alex Gow Funeral Directors have arranged for “live streaming”.

Afterwards, the family have arranged a wake at the Mt Gravatt Hotel.

Kind regards,
Bob Bannan,

John Cecil Woodleigh – Hutton … RAE

Sad news from Mick Kelly, the passing of another Member 1339, Sapper John Cecil Woodleigh-Hutton, who passed away on 1/12/2021.

John served in 1Field Troop, in Malaya/Borneo 1959 – 1961, retiring after 9 years with the rank of Sergeant.

Johns’ Funeral will be held on Thursday 9 December 2021, at 11.00am, at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Camden Valley Way, Leppington NSW 2179.


Unfortunately, this information only arrived in my inbox this morning. Ray

342784 David William Wilson

It is with a sad heart, that another Sapper has passed away, 342784 David William Wilson passed away at 7.20pm 06/12/2021.

Sincere Condolences to his wife Elaine daughter Jillian, family and friends.

When funeral details are available I will pass them on.

Rest in Peace Sapper your work is done, Lest We Forget.


From Andrew Clinkaberry – 1RAR Assoc.

I have been in touch with Jock’s daughter Eileen to pass on our condolences, thoughts and prayers and have received the following response:

Hi Andrew, so lovely to hear from you, thank you very much. Given Covid and border restrictions, we will be having a private family-only service in the coming days. Though we are currently planning on a big celebration in late January, so everyone can join us. We will likely have a poppy service with a heavy nod to his army life. We welcome everyone to join us for that memorial service. I will be in touch when that is organised and look forward to raising a glass with you in papa’s honour.

Eileen x

Once details for the January Memorial Service are provided by Eileen I will let you all know.

Rest In Peace Jock.


216186 Sgt. Raymond John ( Ray ) Hughes OAM IRAR, 6RAR, ( Vietnam ) JTC et al.

A Memorial Service will be held for our departed comrade at Diggers Services Club, 44 Blackwood Rd, Logan Central on Sunday 19th December at 10:00am (meet and greet) for an 11:00am start.



Introduction and housekeeping. Pipers play the Regimental March of 1RAR (Waltzing Matilda) and 6RAR (The Crusaders).

Family members recall Ray’s life.

Guests will then be invited to speak briefly of their memories of Ray.

Powerpoint presentation.

Recitation of the Twenty Third Psalm.

Eulogy and Poppy Service conducted by Mr Gary Sargent.

Last Post and Reveille (recorded).

Flag presentation to Mrs Trish Hughes.

Closure. Fellowship.

Medals to be worn.

For catering purposes please RSVP your attendance including partner by either email or SMS to Allan Ploenges. Email …  [email protected] Mobile…0490811220

Please also indicate if you wish to pay a tribute to Ray.

Kind Regards,

Allan Ploenges


Ray Payne OAM (Veteranweb Network)

Diggers Service Club

Springwood RSL Sub-Branch Pipers

Jan Stapleton Secretary Chapter 23 -173rd Airborne Assoc.

Greenbank RSL Sub-Branch

Southport RSL Sub-Branch


311557 Joseph James Smith MC & Bar – 1RAR 68-69 – AATTV 70-71

Vale Major Jock Smith MC and BAR 

“Major Jock Smith was a proven, strong and fearless leader. It was not only the foe on the battlefield that experienced his wrath. Canberra suits were known to dive for cover, during many of his crusades seeking a fair go for soldiers under his command. Jock was a true blue cobber and dear comrade in arms.

George Mansford 


“Until we are all together again”

In the mist of time, Jock’s fond familiar image reaches out

Fleeting frames of determination, duty and a heart so stout

Forever, will be the sweet and glorious memories

Of his brotherhood, dash, daring and familiar cries of “follow me”

A proud history of brave deeds with his signature clearly seen

Of battle discipline where ever he had been

Yet in barracks, his voice, always strident and strong

So often heard defending soldiers who had been wronged

Now he is travelling to join his old column so far away

Where familiar laughter and song can be heard night and day

A camp with sentries alert for military ghosts leaving Aussie shores

A challenge “who goes there?” and JJ is with old comrades once more

George Mansford ©November 2021



Sadly I advise that WO Bob Clunes Vietnam 66/67 passed away on Tuesday 2/11/2021 at his Windeyer home outside Mudgee.

His funeral service will be held on 1100hours Tuesday 9 November 2021 (tomorrow) at the Lawson room of Funeral Directors Eastaugh and Carroll at 11am and will be live-streamed – https://saltmedia.net/service-for-robert-clunes

A private interment will take place after the service.

Funeral and Wake arrangements for George Giummarra

Good afternoon all – as advised by the family the following are the funeral and wake arrangements for George.

The funeral Mass will be held on Thursday 11th November 2021 at St Dominic’s Church, 816 Riversdale Road, Camberwell, Vic. commencing at 10.00 am but with strict check in protocols it is suggested that you look to arrive anytime after 09.30 am

The Wake will be held at Wattle Park Chalet (inside Wattle Park) commencing at 11.30 am and concluding at 1.00 pm – the Chalet is located at 1012 Riversdale Road, Surrey Hills, Vic.

Following the Wake a family only burial will be conducted at the Melbourne General Cemetery

Donations – in lieu of flowers please consider donating to Brain Cancer Centre to help eradicate this insidious disease. Go to the website https://www.wehi.edu.au/donate/online-donations and select “Direct my gift to: The Brain Cancer Centre – your donation can also be listed as a “Tribute to: In memory of George Giummarra

Important points to note are

  1. Numbers are limited to 100 people
  2. Those attending must be double vaccinated and provide proof at both venues (either electronically or printed form)
  3. Masks must be worn indoors for all those over 12 years of age
  4. If wishing to attend please register your interest with Victoria before Tuesday morning by messaging to 0409 945 974 stating full name and indicating if you wish to attend either or both the Service and Wake.

Jim Davis.

Hon Secretary,

RAE Association (Vic) Inc.

Telephone:   0413 479 157

Email                 [email protected]

Web              raevictoria.com

Once a Sapper always a Sapper