Funeral Arrangements: Colin Dennis Cochrane – RNZE

A Commemoration of Col’s life will be held at Beerwah Cemetery 300 Roy’s Road, BEERWAH on Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 12:30pm.

On completion of the service, you’re invited to join Col’s family at Cliff & Kaylene House 6 Hibiscus Avenue, Beerburrum for food and drinks to celebrate Colin’s life.

Memorial Service Colin Laurence (Col) Parkin – RAA

A memorial service for the late Col Parkin will be held on Saturday 13 August at 2.00pm at Mudjimba RSL Sub Branch, 43 Cottonwood St, Mudjimba, Qld., August 2022 at Mudjimba RSL Sub Branch, 43 Cottonwood St, Mudjimba, Qld.

Kind regards

Peter Bruce, OAM

Obituary Resource Officer



Vale: 511221 Colin Laurence Parkin – RAA

I have received advice that Colin Laurence (Col) Parkin died today Wednesday 3 August 2022. Col was 75. He had a few medical issues however suffered a stroke some weeks ago and never really recovered.

Col served with 106th Field Battery in Vietnam from February 1970 until February 1971. He later served with 106th Field Battery in Singapore from December 1971 until December 1973.

No funeral details are available at this stage however there will be some form of service on the Sunshine Coast where he and Joan were living.

RIP Col Parkin.

Peter Bruce, OAM

Obituary Resource Officer


Vale: 37603 Colin Dennis Cochrane – RNZE – 161 Bty

I received a very sad message this morning from Maraea, Col Cochrane’s daughter.

Col passed away peacefully last night at 10-45pm  2/8/2022 in his 83rd year.

Cpl Colin Cochrane served in Vietnam with the New Zealand 161 Bty – 1965-1966.

Living in Australia he has been a member of Chapter 23 of the 173d Airborne Brigade Association since 1997.

He will be sadly missed.

Funeral details will be forwarded when known.


Jan Stapleton

Secretary – Chapter 23


16 August 1941 – 26 July 2022

PTE John ‘Stubbsy’ Stubbs died on Tuesday 26 July in the Maclean District Hospital, NSW, he had not been well for a long time.

John enlisted in February 1962, and completed his recruit training at 1 RTB and Corps training at Infantry Centre. He joined 1 RAR in November of that year. For 2 years John served with HQ 28 Commonwealth Infantry Brigade Group in Singapore and Thailand. He joined 5 RAR in October 1965 and deployed to South Vietnam, as a rifleman with Support Section CHQ of Charlie Company, aboard HMAS Sydney, on 22 April 1966. He continued in that position for the full 1966-67 tour of SVN and returned to Australia on 12 May 1967. John completed his six-year term and was discharged in February 1968.

A Funeral Service will be held for John at the Uniting Church, Angourie Road Yamba on Saturday 6th August at 1.30pm.


Gary Townsend

5 RARA Membership Officer/Tiger Tales Editor


Vale: 2786871 Terrance Dewaldon Brown – 1RAR

Unfortunately, I have another name to add to the list of those who have marched on.
At 6.15pm, in John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Terry Brown passed away on 26 Jul 2022.
Brownie had been in ill health for some time.

He served in Vietnam Mar 68 – Feb 69 -with 1 Pl A Coy 1 RAR

Lest We Forget

Mick Bayley

Vale: 4410820 Major Harvey Winston Fewings (Retd) – RAA

We have been advised of the death on 27 July 2022 of Harvey Winston Fewings.  He was 80. Harvey graduated from Officer Cadet School Portsea in 1967 and served in Vietnam initially with 12th Field Regiment and completed his tour with 1st Field Regiment.

A funeral service will be held at 12.00pm on Wednesday 3 August 2022 at Traditional Funerals, 636 Morayfield Road, Burpengary, Qld. The funeral will be life streamed with the link to be advised.  Harvey had requested a burial in his beloved St George which will take place on Friday 5 August at 9.00am. Details to follow when advised. Condolence cards may be sent to his widow Marjorie Borissow at 20 Penda Street, Morayfield, QLD 4506.

RIP Harvey Winston Fewings

Peter Bruce, OAM

Obituary Resource Officer

Vale: 16265 John Francis Digweed – RAEME

It is with great sadness we advise of the passing of John Digweed on Tuesday  26th July 2022.

John served with 161 (Indep) Recce Flt from 25 November 1969 until 02 May 1970. From 02 May 1970 until 26 November 1970 John served as the OC 3rd Cavalry Regiment LAD.

John was born on 01 August 1938 in Brisbane.

I don’t have details of John’s postings post-Vietnam however, his last posting that I am aware of was as the CO of 5 Base Wksp at Oakey between November 1981 until January 1986 when Glen Duus took over as the CO of the Workshop.

John had been in a nursing home in Toowoomba for some time with dementia.

He is survived by his wife Lee and family.

We do not have details of John’s funeral which will be held next week.

May He Rest In Peace – Lest We Forget.

Regards, Len

Phone 0409 334 884 or 07 5445 7275