VALE 13091 Capt Edward Ackroyd Taylor – AATTV

NSW RSL Reveille September edition last post advised that 13091 E A Taylor (Squizzy) has passed, no date of death.

Ed was living here on the Central Coast of NSW, tried ringing his wife but phone not connected.

Ed was born on 8-7-34, served in 2 RAR 55/57 and 61-63 Malaya joined 6 RAR on forming and served in Vietnam 69/70 with AATTV. He retired at the rank of Captain.

Henry Chisholm

Last Post Ceremony for Private Ralph James Niblett – 21st September 2023

Warren Dowel has asked me to pass onto you all the following details of The Last Post Ceremony being held on the 21st of September 2023 for Ralph Niblett.

Please find below the livestream link and Memorial’s You Tube channel.

The Last Post Ceremony is broadcast live each afternoon at approximately 4:45pm (local Canberran Aust time) via:

A recording of each ceremony is available on the Memorial’s YouTube channel the following day.  


Wendy M McLean J.P.(Qual) LM

Secretary/Membership Officer

4RAR Association Qld. Inc.’

Vale 1411186 John Harry HARRINGTON – 5RAR Vietnam

20 November 1943 – 11 September 2023.

CPL John Harrington died on Monday 11 September on the Sunshine Coast, QLD.

John attended 1 RTB and Infantry Centre and in September 1966 deployed to join 1 ARU in Vietnam. In November he joined 5 Section, 5 Platoon, 5 RAR as a rifleman returning with the Battalion in May 1967. John re-deployed for 5 RAR’s 1969-70 tour as a Corporal in the Pioneers Platoon arriving back in Australia in February 1970. His last posting was 2 RTB, Puckapunyal and took discharge in 1972.

Funeral details are: Tuesday 19 September 10:30 am Gregson and Weight, Nambour 34 National Park Road, Nambour QLD 4560

Gary Townsend
5 RARA Membership Officer/Tiger Tales Editor

VALE 311600 Robin David Letts AM, MC – 2 SAS Sqn Vietnam 1971

I regret to inform you that Robin Letts, AM, MC passed away this morning,14th Sept.

Robin served with 22 SAS in Aden and Borneo, 2 SAS Sqn in SVN and was 2i/c 1RAR 1975/76 and CO PTS in the early ‘80’s.

In accordance with Robin’s wishes a private family funeral will be held in Perth in approximately two weeks.

Please pass all condolences to me by email at the address below for onforwarding to the family.


Steve Vujovic

[email protected]


Funeral Details John Marquis – RAA

We have received advice that a funeral for the late John Marquis will be held on Wednesday 30th August, 2023 at 2pm. The Service will be held at Smithfield and Elizabeth Funeral Directors on the corner of Main North Road and Womma Road Elizabeth North, South Australia.

RIP John Marquis

Peter Bruce, OAM
Obituary Resource Officer
[email protected]

Vale 212609 Graham Collins – RAASC

It is with sadness that we advise Graham passed away on the 16th August 2023.

His funeral will be held at Broulee Gardens at 2:00pm on Friday 25th August.

A wake will be in the Sydney room at the Broulee Garden following the ceremony.

Rest in Peace Graham.

Funeral Details: LTCOL Harry Smith, SG, MC. – 6RAR

Details for Harry’s funeral is as follows:

Time: 1300 (1pm)
Day/Date:   Wednesday 30 Aug 23
Location: Gregson & Weight Funerals, (07) 5443 9953, 159 Wises Road, Buderim, Qld.
Dress: Coat, tie, medals

Online Streaming & Condolences at:
•    Live Stream:   click the Live Stream button (not available until 30 Aug)
•    Condolence Messages:   click on the Condolences Button – this link is open and can be used now.


Vale 52825 David Thomas Floyd, OAM – RAA

15 Jan 1937 – 10 Aug 2023

We have received advice of the death on 10 August 2023 of David Thomas Floyd, OAM. He was 86. David served with ‘A’ Field Battery in South Vietnam from February to October 1971.

A Memorial Service will be held in the East Chapel of the Mt Thompson Crematorium at Holland Park on Thursday 24 August commencing at 2.00pm.

RIP David Thomas Floyd.

Peter Bruce, OAM

Obituary Resource Officer


[email protected]


Sadly, we have received word that, Harry SMITH, passed away on Sunday 20 August 2023 at the Buderim Private Hospital, after a short stay.   Harry had not been well for some months and had to be hospitalized.

As we all know, Harry was OC D Coy at the Battle of Long Tan, and served in 2 RAR during the Malayan Emergency, 1 CDO Regt & PTS plus other units.

Funeral information, including Live Streaming details, are still being finalized and will be provided once we get them.

Please join with us in offering our deepest sympathy to those who will mourn the passing of a loved one.  Another 6 RAR family member, taken too soon.


Allan Whelan
Email:  [email protected]